28 June, 2013

A Night To Remember. BIG FUN!

Hello, beautiful Earth Angels! I just wanted to make memo. Not all the pictures below are taken by me but mostly the pictures are taken by me. I took some of the pictures from Darren Ho. Anyway, It's all started from this...

Year 11 2013 Prom invitation!!

21 June, 2013

Everybody Are Model Day

Today, is the day.. Today is when everybody in year 11 are supermodels. Today is the day when all year 11 students are beautiful and handsome but mostly, TODAY IS THE DAY WHEN I SHOW THE WORLD THAT I HAVE LOST 3 KILOGRAMS! (WADDUP B*TCHES!!) LOL AHAH! Me and my yearmates had our phototaking today, it's a formal themed phototaking so the girls wear dresses and guys wear suits. So colorful! So we have to be there before 12:30 pm and I reached there around 12:40 pm because there's a traffic jam and I am not the only one who's late! Others too haha. The phototaking took place at here!

Jacky Studio!

10 June, 2013

Singapore Trip

Hello beautiful readers! Finally gyah finally I got to go to Singapore, yay! I'm so happy. I haven't visit Sigapore for like 11 years already woh. I used to go back and forth when I was a kid to recover my eyes condition but we're not talking about that now. So, my purpose to go to Singapore is to check on NAFA and Lasalle since either I will continue my study in Singapore or Shanghai. I just went back yesterday and I'm sorry I didn't post it on time because I didnt bring my laptop with me. Simply because I'm lazy haha lol. Just finished IGCSE for Bahasa Malaysia today yay! Anyway, this is my summarized trip for 3 days in Singapore. Me, bro and mom were in the same flight and decided to meet up with daddy in Singapore. We left Kuching on Friday which is 7th of June. Here it goes :)


Too excited for Singapore and this is my face.
Still at home.