13 March, 2014

Singapore, The Next Destination.

Hello, people! How have you been? I know I haven't post for a very looooooooooong time! This is my first post in 2014! Happy belated new year lol wtf so far from new year already. Anyway, I've gotten my IGCSE result and it's very surprising. I got 1 A*, 2As, 2Bs and 3Cs!! I did not expect my econs and business to get both A's as I failed my econs and business for 2 consecutive years lol wtf cb so pro sia. Oh, remember when I wrote on my blog that I'm going to Lasalle? Forget that. I'm going to Raffles Design Institute and will be enrolling in few weeks! Just wish me luck with my IPA letter. Btw, It will only took me 3 years to get my Bachelor of Arts title! No portfolio required (cb I did my Lasalle portfolio and designed it like hell for months wtf). Since I've accepted in RDI, I've contacted 2 people who owns a homestay. I went to Singapore on the 28th of February via Batam to check out the place. Invited bro's gf to come as well. We flew from Pontianak to Batam then took ferry to Singapore Harborfront :D

Plane selfie otw to Batam from Pontianak with
mommy :D