Hello, beautiful Earth Angels! I just wanted to make memo. Not all the pictures below are taken by me but mostly the pictures are taken by me. I took some of the pictures from Darren Ho. Anyway, It's all started from this...
Year 11 2013 Prom invitation!! |
At first I don't wanna go because I'm lazy and Thaqif couldn't attend the prom with me because he have test but then there's a siao creature called Lim Jia Yin insisted me to go to prom so I'll give it a try. And actually almost the whole year going except for few people and yiss, I am excited! We have to be there by 6:30 pm and I went with Cebrina. She went to my house first then my mom send us to Merdeka Palace and then her father will bring us home. I applied make up and I asked my mom to apply some make up to Cebrina too. And she told me that this is the first time she wore a make up. I am a proud friend now :')
My mom's hand blocking her face.. We shall see what happen! |
BOOM! YAY! Mom didn't apply a lot
because it's just a party :D |
Reached Merdeka Palace around 6:32 pm and we have to wait downstairs first because the people are still setting up the room. And then we went upstairs! But they told us where the room is earlier at school today
(you enter Merdeka Palace, turn right, enter the lift to the 2nd floor and we'll be there). But the party is not started yet. Since I am in charge for the photography club for this event, time for my baby camera to shine! Derping around taking pictures before the party start!
Le place :D |
Went up to see this. The reception desk. |
Each person got to decorate a whole page
for them unless if you have couple, you have
to share :D |
Amanda photobomb! |
And this is my page! But in the end I added
few decorations with silver inked pen XD |
This is how it looks like when you entered the room. Honestly,
the room is quite small ._. |
These are our MCs for tonight. Nat and
Shawn! :DD |
The stage. Whee ~ |
My table! The YellowTable! |
My table's decoration. |
Rubber duckyyyy ~ |
Le menu |
The Red Table's decoration :D |
Credits to Darren Ho. Blue table's decoration :) |
There are other tables too but I forgot to take pictures of the other tables I don't know why. Maybe because I'm too busy running here and there like an idiot. This is basically what's inside and out of the room before the prom starts. I like to take pictures but sometimes I just can't stand someone keep asking me to take pictures of that person when that person obviously have asked me to take tons of pictures of that person. I am not going to upload the pictures of that person anyway. Bitch, I ain't got time fo dat -____-v
Meanwhile at the reception desk... |
Uhhh.. Dong Woo? O.o |
Nia and me :3 |
Alex and Nia. Hey Jason at the back! |
Le me and my gay friend, Alex! Nia
Sugianto So photobomb! |
Nia and me :D |
Main 3 colors of rainbow. Nia, Bianca and
Karen. |
Dong Woo and Bianca :D |
Manda, Karen, Nia and Amy :3 |
Novie, Manda and Karen. |
Nicholas asked me to take picture of him, |
Seong Taek keep posing like this even
when I didn't point the camera to him so nah.
Pitty him liao -______-" |
Me and Lai Riy =D Blurr tho :( |
Me and Ceb ❤ |
Sab Chai and Tikah :DD |
Look from outside window :DD |
The teachers starts to come slowly. The first teacher who came is Ms.Elainne! Pheeweet! I like her dress omg so pretty! And followed by Ms.Vivi and some other teachers. It feels so good to see your teachers attend your prom eventhough your year is one of the naughtiest year ever in school ;)
The room :) |
Me being close to the foods HAHAH! |
Novie, Jia, Lai Riy, Ceb and Molly. My girls! Minus Ji Young. |
I'm with my girl. WHAT IS THIS?!?!? SO BLURR SIA :O |
Another hugging picture. Never get tired of this thing :D |
Ze teachers! Mr. Wong (physics), Ms. Helena (geography)
Ms. Vivi (malay language), Ms. Frances (biology), Mr. Wee
(economics, business studies), Mr. Ivan (English first language) |
Rudy and his date! And tadahh Tiffany and Stanton! The one
I met during my date with Thaqif :)) |
My table is so quiet -__-v |
Looks like everyone are here so let the party start! Feel the awesomeness of our prom! One of the night that all of us have to remember! Our prom started with a little speech from Mr.Ivan. So sad that our form teachers couldn't make it to our prom due to previous arrangement. I am not happy with it because.. Nvm, I tell here lah. Our form teachers are not invited. I don't know why those people who are arranging this prom didn't invite them. They should have invited them since they're our caretaker and etc etc. I know some of you doesn't like our form teachers but at least respect them. Imagine how they feel when they know they're not invited to our prom. I know some people are trying to invite our form teachers but it didn't work out. I don't want to make my year sounds bad I'm just telling you what happened as a form of my unhappiness but oh well, rice have turned into porridge. What to do? Keep scrolling, guys :)
Ivan A.K.A Ivy. "All of you are my babies. And just like
other babies, you're noisy. you're smelly etc etc" :))))))) |
Slides about us from primary up till year 11. So touching. |
My round 1 food. Gado-gado and mee :D |
Jia's first round. Bread, chicken, gado-gado |
Table 2 desert. |
Table 1 desert. Aiyaa forgot to take picture of the 3rd table T^T |
Ms Jen Na and Ms. Pei Fen. I thought her name is Paven and
after I read her name's spelling somewhere, it's a Chinese name!
How should I know? I didn't take Chemistry ma :DD |
Oi, Darren Ho. Y u didn't put me inside? T^T Already pose nia :P |
Me and my girlfriend. She's my date :DD
Ji Young and her boyfriend called
Sang Won. Oh hey, Ms. Helena at the
back photobombing :)) |
WHY. BIANCA? WHYYY?! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ XD |
Pern, Darren and Caillian. Hello! :D |
Inspired by Up movie :D |
There' wont be any perfect duckface picture without the duck
itself. DUCK OFF! |
Quack XDD |
My hen mei daughter. |
Arrogant me. Aiyaa my eyeliner so fail. My mom applied it to
me. If you want to complain, go complain to my mom :P |
There won't be any fun without photobombs. Here are photobombs by me on Molly's camera and some are pictures of me and Molly. Chachacha :3
Top right corner!!!! My face :))) |
Moyi moyi moyiii :3 ♥ |
Another one with Mollehhh :3 ♥ |
Jia didn't realize I was there MUAHAHA!! |
For once, helium is a very attractive and interesting matter. It was all started when someone (I think it's Rudy) decided to suck up the helium and talk. Helium made our voice jumped to a higher pitch which is very funny. I managed to do it! WHEEE! So I was sucking a helium then I said "Can anyone hear me now?" the people near me laughed especially Jia and I laughed over my voice to so it was like "*helium voice* AHYAHYAHYAHYA!!!" and my friends laugh even more. Like siao :)) Oh, here some proof about the helium thingy but no one took my picture sucking helium le :(
LOL :))))))) |
Helium is really something. |
He's enjoying his helium taking. So
high la you Jon ._.v |
Bitches be like, bathroom = studio. Lighting in bathroom is really nice okay. Drank too much orange juice with Jia. We just had to squish our lemons lol wtf dafuq did I just wrote HAHAHHA okay, skip :))
Toilet break, bitches ;)) |
I want to send it to fatty but Jia appeared LOL! Yo =3 |
Enough with the foods and stupid pictures. Time to have games! So the game is a group game. Group members are those who're sitting in our tables. My group members are Me, Jia, Molly, Ceb, Novie, Devi, Lai Riy, Ji Young, Sang Won, Freddie and Jade that turned out only me, Jia, Molly, Ceb, Novie, Devi, Freddie because Lai Riy had to go back daaamn early, Ji young and Sang Won are missing I don't know where they are, Jade doesn't want to co-operate. Jade is not from our school so I can't blame her either beause she's so antisocial and I don't like her. Nobody likes her except Freddie since Freddie is her date. Ok, I'm just saying :OO First game we got to guess who's face on screen. They only showed certain features like eyes, nose and lips. Our team won an extra point for guessing a really hard question woot! And the next game is we have to take pictures competing with another group but we have to block other group's face if people could see our face, we get a point. Ok, time to play :DD
Team Like To Live Dangerously vs Stoned. |
My groups' session. Taken by Darren because I was playing. |
Natalie counting points. Ooh la la :D |
And now nice music played by Sebastian and Aaron as our entertainment. Live music. Just to chill and relax. I forgot what song they played tho but it really nice though Aaron kinda forgot the lyrics. Awww it's okay, Aaron :)
Performance by Aaron Chai and Sebastian :D |
At first I thought Seong Taek gonna sing and I was like "he can
sing meh?" but in the end he just hold the mic for Sebastian XD |
Tired from all the games and stuffs, well. Time for the awards giving! The teachers have to go out of the room to decide who worth the awards and once it's done, it's time to clap, people! Tret tret tret ~
Discussing but it looks like Mr.Mo is taking pictures of the
female teachers instead .___. |
And the award of Most Likely To Become
A Model goes to.. CAILLIAN!! |
The award of Most Likely To Become A
Teacher goes to.. TOMMY!! |
The award of The Class' Clown goes to..
The award of The Loudest Person Of The
Year goes to.. JON YEE!! |
The award of The Blondie goes to.. NOEL!
The award of The Cheerful Person goes
to.. AMANDA!! :DD |
The award of the Most Organized And
Neat person goes to.. SHAWN! YAY! :D |
The award of The Most Colorful Clothes
Of The Night goes to.. YI YANG! :OO |
The award of the Most Sarcastic Person
goes to.. AARON WONG! |
The award of The Most Creative Person
goess to.. Who else? NOVIE!! :DDD |
The award of the Most Caring And Kind
Person goes to.. NIA!! WHEE MORE
BUNNY! Omg Mr. Wong .____." *sweat* |
The award of Most Competitive Person
goes to.. AMY! AHAHAHHA :DD |
The award of Best Hair goes to AARON
CHAI! They call me Chai ;)) |
The award of Most Likely To Become A
Prime Minister goes to.. YUSSUF!! WOOH! |
The award of Most Likely to Become A
Millionnaire goes to.. JASON!! Ok, be my
in law k? Lol jk XDDDDD |
The award of Most Likely To Rule The
World (dictator) goes to.. AARON WONG!
Don't think that he's a mean person ok? |
The award of Most Likely To Get A Nobel
Prize goes to. NATALIE KHO! YAAAY! |
The award of The Most Annoying But
Loved Person goes to.. Sheldon! But
sadly he couldn't come :(( |
The award for Most Likely To Be Famous
goes to.. MORGANE! But she couldn't
attend prom too :( |
And lastly, the award of The Best Smile
goes to. NATASHA!! And she couldn't
make it to the prom also :(( |
Afer the award giving, my daughter is going to perform so as a good mommy I have to cheer her up by accompanying her outside the room to give a mental support lol wtf or basically it's because I just want to take pictures of her. Now, look at my daughter's performance! I helped her to record her performance. She sang Forever Young though it's a bit shakey in the front part because I know that she's nervous but she made it! It's so beautiful! I am one proud mama :))))
Preparing for the performance! Mwa mwa :* |
Credits to Brendan Ting. Thanks Bren ^^ |
They grow up so fast :') *le proud mom* |
Forever Young by A.K.A The Asian Taylor Swift (Jia -__-) |
You see, every prom there will always have the Prom King and Prom Queen session. Each of us have to vote who is the prom king and queen. Whoever they are, they will always be our Prom King and Queen. I think we all could guess who's the Queen but I don't think we all could guess who's the King. Oh well, no one knows so.. Let see who's the lucky couple on our prom night?? It's.. JENG JENG JENG!! What're you looking at? Just scroll down already ._.v
ANSON WONG!!! Anson, your crown is
so FABULOUS !! :)))) |
The King and The Queen :') |
One more, one more.. |
KYAAA KYAAAA!!! *sparkling eye* |
1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2.. |
Omggggggg!!! |
*now playing in my mind: Can I Have This
Dance - HSM 3* |
Well, the dance floor is not only for the King and Queen but it's for all of us so let's dance!!! *disco BGM*
Jia and Shawn HAHAHAHA!! :)))))) |
Bianca's face XDDDD |
Oh.. Oh my, Alex and Noel .__. |
The bro's dance. |
The 4 hyper girls of the night. Once it's said the dance floor is
now officially opened, me and Jia were like "b*tch, we got the
moves!" |
"Knock knock" Who's there?" "Justin" "Justin who?"
Just what are you doing, Bianca? OMG XDDD |
Meanwhile those who doesn't want to dance because they're too tired... Managed to took this picture while resting because Jia keep dragging me to the dance floor wtf my legs feels like it's going to explode anytime XD
Seong Taek and Ceb :D |
Le me and Novie |
Not long after going back for dancing again, Ceb called me. Her dad is downstairs. Oh well, time to go back. Nanight, Earth Angels :)
Going back home. I am all tired. Whee my
rilakkuma keychain coupled with Thaqif :D |
Here are the pictures with our teachers as our memento. Dear Teachers, thank you for taking care of us, deal with us eventhough we are very naughty, hard to control, so much dramas and so much problems caused by us. We love you :)
I'll miss this moment :') |
Close up ^^ |