OMG HELLO GUYS! I'm sorry for not updating things for so long. The last time I updated this blog was just before I leave for China. I tried to blog in China during summer but CHINA BANS BLOGGER AND THE VPN THAT I BOUGHT FOR 600RMB PER YEAR IS NOT DOING ITS JOB VERY WELL!! More like my internet provider is shit and my dad has paid a full year for it. Gawd. But anyways, I went to Beijing for my first semesterial break here in China because every single one of my friends decided to go back to Indonesia or their hometowns. As I have an agreement that I can't leave China for my first three months, I decided to visit the love of my life in Beijing. Seeing Novie twice a year makes me really happy though :D
The overall journey was great. I'm leaving from Shanghai Hong Qiao International Airport to Beijing Capital International Airport aka PEK LOL! Still can't get over that PEK thing.. Otherwise, I really had a good flight. As you expected from a Mutia, I spent my 2 hours of flight by sleeping.. Reached the capital and I had to wait in Starbucks because Novie was late. The moment we see each other, that's when the drama happened. All eyes on us, we really did put up a show over there. I feel a little embarrassed but that's okay. For the next 6 days, I stayed in her dorm room, luckily her room is only for herself. We went to KTV with other Indonesians around 9 pm that day. We hit the Zoo Coffee nearby her uni to kill the time. I thought it's a cafe from the zoo as Beijing Zoo is not far from her university but newp, it's a Korean franchise lel. Oh, I forgot to mention that Novie was pretty close with this businessman. They have been to a few dinners before nearby the campus but that night when I reached Beijing, he brought us to a proper restaurant LOL! Then, the moment of judgement.. I have to go to the toilet. I gotta say that China do not have the cleanest toilet in the world. It was such a struggle just to pee. It is a dirty smelly squat toilet. Lucky it is in a cubicle. The floor was so slippery and dirty that I nearly slipped. So I had to pee in a spiderman style, wtf I feel so humiliated..
Sorry if my chubby face is a little disturbing for you guys. I grow fatter in China.
Yas. Got tv! But I didn't even bother to touch it lol. |
I don't need a tv. I just need a pillow. |
Just Mutia tryna be white @ Beijing Airport's Starbucks |
We were so noisy in the taxi. I bet the taxi driver was a little bit annoyed with us. |
Omg so disgusting wtf yet still post on blog cb -,- |
@ Zoo Coffee! |
The most horrifying toilet I have ever been to in my 19 years of living. Pit of hell. |
Guess what? We ended up karaoke-ing all night long up till 4 am, Novie and I are the only girls that night. It was nice meeting other Indonesians like Fondy, Clearance, Juan and others. After the karaoke, I took a taxi and droped off at the nearby weigongcun station's McDonalds for breakfast with Novie and Fondy
(a student exchange dude). We had to wait outside of the Mcd as the McD itself still closed LOL! The breakfast was nice, I had a sausage mcmuffin till I realized the sausage might be pork. WTFWTFWTFWTF MUTIA Y U SO STUPID?!*crying*. I realized I made a huge mistake. I will never eat sausage mcmuffin again here in China. Egg mcmuffin and Asian dough stick will do. Reached the dormitory and passed out till 2:30 pm hahaha. Actually there was a fuwuyuan
(cleaner) who was cleaning the room because Novie's room is seriously a shipwreck!!!!! Arthur
(Novie's friend) had to keep an eye on the fuwuyuan. I felt really bad for Arthur though. Below is the evidence of us passed out on the bed. Arthur took this photo without us realizing using Novie's phone. lol.
Palestinian bomb victims.. DAT ASS!! Featuring Chablo. As usual he must follow me everywhere I travel. |
We woke up and showered, I put on some make up for Novie and helped her to choose her clothes. We invited Fondy to follow us to Solana to get some dinner. We had no idea what to eat so we ended up walking around Solana like a couple of lost kids. We saw lots of bunny things around as the autumn festival is coming. I do not know the relationship between bunny and Chinese autumn but that's fine by me. It was pretty boring in Solana, thank God Novie had this idea of bringing us to Sanlitun. So, Sanlitun is the hits area in Beijing. Most of the shop open up till late, nightlife kind of place but also a chill kind of place too. We hit the Luga's Villa and had beef nachos and pizza. It was so so good! After that, as a couple of dessert person we went to get some gellatos and a balloon for Novie. Novie's inner child is released that night HAHAHAH!
Waiting for Fondy but first, lemme take a selfie. |
"I love you this much" pose. |
2 Indonesians desperately tryna be bunnies. |
@ Solana! |
Just a snapchat @ Solana! |
More bunnies!!!! |
A pile of hamsters stacking each other. Awwh cutie. |
Pizza and nachos. AKH YASSS!!!! Foodgasm! This became my favorite place to chill in Sanlitun. |
*minion's voice* Gelato? GELATOOOO!!!! |
Look at the gelato on the right, it's supposed to look cute but instead it looks creepy from the lighting. |
Posing with what is ours. |
Classic Novie. Balloon! |
A selfie to end the night. Girl.. |
This is my third day in Beijing and it was my brother's 24th birthday. I decided to make something for him. I told Novie to bring me to The Summer Palace to take a photo of me holding a paper that says Happy Birthday Abang
(elder brother in Bahasa Indonesia) while having a Chinese-ass architecture at the backround. Actually I was supposed to go to the Temple of Heaven but instead, I said Summer Palace *facepalm*. Aih, mami. Sorila, I haven't visited the touristy spot for 7 years
(except the Great Wall). but it's okay. Still so pretty. The site is huge! DAYUM! We enteredd the Summer Palace from the back gate and ended up having to climb a hill. Novie was like "I didn't sign up for this shit." LOLOLOL!!! Sorry Novie, your bestfriend is an idiot. In case if you're reading this, I'm sorry that I made you climbed a lot that day lol. I didn't even know that hill is exist. I can't remember it from my last visit to the Summer Palace 7 years ago. Okay, so here's a funny story after we climbed the hill. We saw this boat so we decided to give it a try as we thought the boat will give us a lake tour like other touristy spot. We hop on the boat and took tons of selfies and guess what? It dropped us right in front of the exit gate. LOLOL!!! We were like dahell?! The worst thing is that we can't even go back to the boat to take a return trip lol! We were like "MY 15 KUAI!!!" LOL! That's what happen when you can't read hanzi really well. HAHAHA! At least I got a story to tell. So we walked all the way back to take a few photos for my brother. And of course selfies and mini photoshoot for both of us lel. I remember when Novie bought a milk tea, she gave a fake money to the cashier because she didn't know. We're pretty sure it was the last night's taxi that gave us the fake money. Man, I feel sorry for Novie. Guys, be careful when you go to Beijing. Fake money everywhere..
I have no idea what's behind us but we know that we are taking a selfie. LOL! Ignorant tourist. |
One more with the map to make it looks more touristy. |
It really is hard to take a picture in a famous-ass hallway especially in China. People everywhere. |
Oh yah, we went to the palace on Monday. Novie is having a Monday blue. Well explained on the shirt HAHAH! |
You gotta pay if you wanna go up there. Ain't nobody got money for that. Stingy. |
We really had fun in the Summer Palace. |
Asian girls being Asian.. |
So it was my brother's birthday. 24th, not 29th. |
Arief desperately wants a shoutout from Beijing. Gawd -,- |
Ootd nominee picture without filter. |
I do not know where and what is this. I suppose it's a garden. I clearly have no idea what I'm doing. |
Emperor's seat? |
I love the ceiling's design. I found that Ming's Tomb and Temple of Heaven have the same ceiling. |
I really love this picture of us. |
YOHHH!!! :D |
MWA! :* |
Besties stay together! |
Purposely take photo when 2 foreigners came in. Classic Mutia, loves caucasian. |
Novie's turn. How I wish I can place 2 caucasian dudes behind you as well :( |
LOL! What is this even? |
Novie's turn to do the 'thinking about my lover across the ocean' kind of pose lol. |
Is it just me or the people at the back made this photo looks like a joke as I am doing the lover across the sea pose? |
Asia's next top model wanna be. |
Asia's next top model contestant :)) |
But first, lemme take a selfie! |
Just being Asians here, nothing to see. |
Alright. That's it about the Summer Palace. We gotta rush back to the uni as Novie is having a class around 4 pm. She was late to class already so we gtfo from there and took a black taxi home. HAHAHAHAHA!!! Look at us, taking an illegal taxi home. Goodness! Then I was left in the dorm alone waiting for Novie to finish her class. I looked like a house wife waiting for her husband to come home or like a dog waiting for my master to come home. I was pathetic, man HAHAHA. After several hours later (lol), Novie took me to eat dinner at Ayam Terkapar. LOL! We do not know what that dish is called in Chinese but the Mangala kids in Beijing
(Buddhist association) call it that way. It literally means pass out chicken if I direct translate it from Bahasa Indonesia. We took a taxi to that place but sadly, we gotta walk to the destination as it is located at a very sketchy alley. Man, we ate a lot that night. 2 portions of these food. Fondy didn't follow us that night so we pack our leftover and give it to Fondy HAHAHAHA!!! A bit mean as it is leftovers but still kind as we remember to bring some food for him. The moment we got back to the dorm, we saw these mattresses were stacked in the hallway. Novie, Arthur and I were having fun that night. Arthur and I managed to go up that 'fort' but Novie can't, so I had to go down and push her butt up so she can go on top of the fort. We were so noisy that this friggin Korean or Japanese called the receptionist to shut the fuck out of us. Ughhh.. Then Arthur blame Novie for the noise "Shi ta! Shi ta!
(it's her! it's her!)" LOL! But anyways, to the person who complaint that night, if I see you next time. I'll ruin your happiness..
I have no idea what this dish is called but we call it "Ayam terkapar" and it was finger lickin' good! GEEZ, DAYUM!! *drool* |
Perks of staying in your bestfriend's dorm :)) |
The next day, novie had a full day class so I decided to go out with Timo
(a Dutch student studying Chinese for a few months in Beijing) instead as he is free tomorrow. We wanted to go to the art district but the weather was shit so we ended up going to the Beijing Aquarium in the Beijing Zoo. I felt bad that he had to travel friggin far while I only need to travel for 3 stations and still late. Classic Mutia. I didn't get student discount to visit the aquarium though as my student card is only valid around Shanghai meanwhile Timo got himself a discount. Lucky bitch :( The aquarium was really fun! We managed to watch this seal show although it is in Chinese but it was still fun heheh. Then we explored the tunnels full of fishes, we made jokes and talked about travelling as both of us loves travelling #TeamWanderlust. We were bored with the aquarium already so we walked around the Zoo as we paid for the zoo ticket as well. It was raining so we shared umbrella since he got this huge-ass umbrella that looks like a beach umbrella to me LOL! There is this story when Timo just walked closer to something that looks like a squirell and he told me to come nearby. I didn't have my glasses on that time as I was still wiping it and turns out.. It is a HUGEASS FROG I HAVE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE CRAWLING AROUND. CRAWLING, NOT JUMPING. I was scared to death and I ran away while screaming for my life in an instant as I am having a phobia towards frogs, Timo didn't know about that so he was like between LOLOLOL and dafuq, Mutia? We walked a lot in the zoo. We saw tiger, lions and many more. Timo wanted to visit the elephant but the section is closed. Aww. You know what, we were struggling to find the exit and we ended up spending time like an hour to get out from the zoo and it was dark already so we had no idea where we're going as there are no lights. Crap. I started to imagine a serial killer following us behind the woods as we were surrounded by woods. We found the nearest metro station nearby and we set off to Luga's Villa in Sanlitun to have a dinner there while waiting for Novie to come. Novie said she will bring a friend from Zimbabwe but she showed up with Ali and Daisy too LOL! So, Ali is a black Dutchman who is also a muslim. Damn exotic, I cannot even. His girlfriend is from Harbin, not exactly there, a little far where she can stalk the North Korean villagers with binocular. That's what she said. She told us a lot about North Korea, we were really surprised. It was a really nice night, how I wish we took a group selfie or asked the waiter to take pictures for us. Take me back to that time, please..
I have always loved visiting the aquarium. This view is really relaxing. |
Jellyfishies :3 |
Every single time I look at this photo, I always have this Spongebob's voice stuck in my head about hunting some jellyfishes. |
I found the base is very pretty. |
I'm sure you know what fish this is. |
Just to let you guys know that we took tons of selfie just to get the right picture. Cuz he too tall and I'm too short. LOL! |
It was nice meeting you, Timo :) |
With Mr.Dutchie.. |
He lent me his jacket as I forgot to bring my leather jacket that night. |
I know Timo looks a little weird in photos but I assure you, if you see him in real life you'd be like YOHHH!! This guy looks so much better in real life, so handsome. Anyway, nothing really happened the next day as I'm leaving the day after that. I just wanna chill. So I had lunch with Novie and Arthur at the Korean restaurant behind the uni and chill at night drinking Baileys with Häagen-Dazs ice cream and spent 500 rmb in 7/11 with Novie. Geez.. Not to mention that Raphael decided to crash our party so there we are.. 2 Indonesians and an African watching anime in the accompany of a litte bit of alcohol
(I know I should get away from this shit but I just love Baileys. Sorry mom, dad you guys would be really disappointed knowing your daughter consumed Baileys but it's okay, your son drink a lot more than I do.). Skip to the next day, the day when I have to go back home to Shanghai. I really wanted to change my flight schedule but man, my parents disagree with me so ughh.. I had to go back that day. But it's alright, till we meet again Beijing! Novie and Fondy sent me to the airport that day. I was feeling a little down because I still don't want to leave Beijing yet and I still want to see Timo :(
Fuck it, I tied my hair instead lol. |
just a snap during lunch before my flight @ Yoshinoya. |
Bye guys! Novie, Beijing will not be the same without you. Fondy, it was such a short time but it's nice knowing you. |
Flight selfie. Aiyaa my skin become so bad after Beijing -,- |
Alright, that's about it. My 6 days of holiday in Beijing during my semesterial break. Honestly I miss those time already. If only I could do it all over again, I would. I'm ending this post with a picture of me taken on the 4th day afternoon.
Till I see you again, Beijing x