MEONG! That's how Indonesian cats sound like hahahaha. But before anything else, I had a question stuck in my mind earlier. "I'm an Indonesian blogger but why the heck am I blogging in English
(more like Singlish, some Chinese might be added in the future if I am influenced by mandarin language)?". Then I remember why, because I want to share everything I've got with you guys, not only the ones from Indonesia but also other foreign countries because not everybody could speak Bahasa Indonesia, especially the slank one *tear shed*. Enough of the fragile moment, now let's get back to business! As you all know that I am a crazy cat lady. I have a post about cats that I have kept in my house before
(Yuki is still in the house and currently pregnant as usual, Poko went missing. I was friggin sad for a few months but we have a female cat named Peanut now, Yuki's latest daughter who's afraid of human beings). I am a person who has shared the same roof with a cat or even cats since I was 3 years old. Living abroad for years with no pets in the house feels super lonely and I kept on missing Yuki and cried sometimes. I know I tend to bully Yuki with her pregnancy routines but well, she's my Yuki and she'll always be my baby no matter how old she is. She's 10 years old this year which is about 56 years old if she's a human. 56 and still pregnant LOL! Now let's get her an MTV for cats. To be honest, it's hard for me to find stray cats roaming around the streets of Singapore so I decided to visit Cat Cafes in Singapore and of course I dragged Teemu along with me. He must not miss it. There are a few cat cafes in the country but I can only managed to visit 2 cafes so far. Hoping to visit more and more the next time I come back to Singapore. Each cafes gave me their own impressions and those lucky cafes are...
The cat cafe Singapore is the first cat cafe I have visited ever in my life and it is located in one of the most popular location in Singapore. Located in Bugis area and is next to the Bugis Street. The way up to this cat cafe is a bit hidden but if you pay attention, you'll get there easily. The problems to go to The Cat Cafe is firstly, the entrance is hidden and you gotta look closely for a map (the safest way is to check it on their website), second one is.. The only way that I know to go up there is by going up the stairs. Teemu has injuries near his butts and legs at that time so the stairs are torturing him and it was quite a lot of stairs to climb which killed him halfway the journey lol. But other than that, everything's fine. I went to Cat Cafe with Teemu on Friday afternoon around October-November last year after having him checked at Mt. Elizabeth Hospital. It was a rainy afternoon so it's pretty much freezing out there for us South East Asian. Now, The Cat Cafe has 15 cats in total. The room is also really spacious for cats to walk around and I spotted so many cat trees and floating trails. If I was a cat, I would be delighted to stay in The Cat Cafe heheheheh. We were required to take off our shoes and used hand sanitizer before we go into the cat's zone or else the cats would be prone to diseases spreads by humans hands (at least this is what I thought). Sterelized pussies LOL! What can I say about the place eh? It's super nice, very comfortable and spacious. Furthermore, the cats are super friendly. Not to mention that they are sooo fluffeehhh and adorable and cute and fat and meow!!!!!! My favorite cat is Tuxedo, he's very friendly and playful. It even wants to play with me although most of the cats prefer to sleep during that time. Also, there are some curious cats climbed onto our table tryna sip some soft drinks but we managed to shoo them away because we are not allowed to carry them, unfortunately. The sad truth is that, Teemu is pretty allergic to cats so we can't stay long enough inside the room heheheheh but that's alright. It was a really pleasant trip. OH! I sent a picture of me in The Cat Cafe petting a cat to my bro. You know what he said? He said "Fak yu bitch, din bring me." (yea, we talked in broken english sometimes and yes we call each other bitch or asshole or any other swear words you can think off hahahaha. Bro-sis thing you know) LOL! So.. Curious enough? Scroll down to see more of the permanent residents of The Cat Cafe Singapore's cuteness!
The entrance/exit zone.
So many cat trees! |
The Cat Cafe's hot drinks. Cute ehhh :D |
Rules of The Cat Cafe! |
Hi Tuxedo!! |
He got more febeles fur than my hair.. fabulus febelesss.. |
His tail = My hair. Haiyah Tuxedo y u damn febeles? |
Tuxedo with his toy. I'm wondering are there any catnips inside the toy tho. |
He was meowing a bit with that toy in his mouth. Not sure if it's stuck or... |
Hi Missy! My second favorite cat as it wants to interract with me |
Somebody is ignoring me. "PUI!" |
I'm a little bit obsessed with Missy beacause itshs sooo fat!! Ich like!! |
Yogurt prefers to be on top like Asia's Next Top Model LOL! |
Yogurt and I! It looks like a shifu monk up there tho :3 |
Le boyfie is somewhere in between of amused and ineedtogetoutofthisplace. |
Come to the dark side. |
This cat is hunting for some lost souls in Bugis LOL! Idk who this is, I need to see its face.
My guts told me it's Silver but I dunno. |
Patches the cat cctv LOL! |
Hi Cookie! |
Detecting some threats LOL! |
This gave me an idea what to do with my new room C: |
Pudding The Climber. |
Tuxedo and Pudding are surrounded by their fans LOL! |
Tryna make an instagram worth picture. |
Hi, little paws! |
Detective Tommy Le Curious Meow! |
Some curious cats lurking for lost souls in the hood LOL! |
Can I bring you home?! I'm serious, Yogurt. Give everyone that look the fish market and you'll
get tons of fish in an instant. Too cute :3 |
Just look at them hahahaha! |
Curious meow. |
The shy Butter. Butter is such a cute name. It reminds me of one of my favorite south park
characters.. Leopold Butters Stotch C: |
Pairing on progress.. OK! Matching face! |
This is me as a cat. Always sleeping. Butters The Stinky Eyes. |
Someone's grooming before sleep. |
Sleeping Silver hehe.. |
LOLing at the way Fruitcake is sleeping!! Fruitcake is an ostritch deep inside ahahahaha jk. |
More of sleeping cats.. |
Hey Ginny! |
Sleep tight! |
More and more sleeping cats! |
C'mon, be! Cheer up la just because the cats are sleeping that doesn't mean you gotta put on
your sour face .___. |
Unisntagrammed and unfiltered version of this shot. hehehh |
Muti's fact: She never changed her phone case for years. Precious
customized cover by Novie after high school graduation. |
See how Tuxedo plays with me. TEEHEE!! LOVE LOVE! |
To be honest, I wanted to stay longer in The Cat Cafe because of the good ambience and being surrounded by 15 puff balls but Teemu requested to go out already because he can take it no more. I'd choose my boyfriend's health compared to staying in because we could come back anytime we want anyway. Due to his condition, it's also a deadly path for him to go down the stairs becuase he said it's hurt like heck. I pity him tho because he had to put up with all of the shits for me. Lap yu be! Btw, I really do recommend you guys to come and visit The Cat Cafe Singapore if you prefers a very spacious cat cafe. But don't come during late afternoon like me or else you'll find the cats are mostly sleeping! The second lucky cat cafe we have visited is....
Located not far away from The Cat Cafe, Haji Lane and Bugis station, Meomi cat cafe is based in Kampong Glam, it attracts so many people as it is located in a very strategic location and is in my favorite location. The place is really is easy to find as it is at the roadside as people likes to peek what's inside the cat cafe. The night before I cried in front of the fluTeemu saying that I miss Yuki. Although he's having a bad flu he told me he will bring me to the Meomi Cat Cafe the next day but in one condition: Do NOT stay for too long. I kinda pity Teemu for being sick yet he have to follow me to meet the fury friends. He had to bring sooo much tisuees that I lost count to the cat cafe. The first thing I see when I went into the cafe is that the shop offers some souvenirs like cat bags, cat key chains. Also, the person who are the the counter are super nice. The ticket per entry is $13with a complementary of soft drink. Well, Meomi Cat Cafe is not as spacious as The Cat Cafe but the ambience is really nice. Most of the cats are awake that time and they're really friendly and active. After a few minutes we arrived in Meomi Cat Cafe, the cats are feeded so it was such priceless time! They're SO CUTE!! The cats are pretty shy but they're cute! My favorite cat in this cafe is Curly because it's the only cat that wants to chill out next to me while the others do not give shits.
Those cats prolly find that lady outside is attractive. |
Those cats prefers to stay there for some reason. Not sure why. Maybe they were showing off themselves so that more people
will come into the cat cafe heheheheh. |
Do you realize that the sticky notes are sticked to the wall in the shape of a cat's face!!! KYAAA!! KAWAII! |
SHO WHITE *_____* |
That dace expression. |
CATS!!! |
Eat eat eat and be more fluffy and fat:3 |
Lellebelle ~ |
He looks sick tho :( |
I am so full of expression but sadly the sick Teemu is being sick. |
I wish I have a pillow like this so I could.. |
That is one brave cat. It's so high LOL! Not high of alcohol eh. |
CCTV cats.. |
Play time. Its fur looks like a marble stone pattern. |
Hey hey kitty kitty come come and play with meeeee ~ |
One cat doesn't give a fuck at all. |
LOL! Zoom the cat's face by cicking the picture. Laughing because it's sooo cute! |
This is such a disgrace because I look damn fat as fuck in this picture. This is because of the angle I swear. TEEMU
JOONAS! Take nicenice next time yhyhyh :( |
LOL! |
That face you make when you don't give a fuck about a single shit. |
???? face. |
Feeling the Cat Vibes Meow! |
MMMUACH! LOL! Petting The Coon :3 |
Now that you have seen some highlights of the Cat Cafes in Singapore! If you are a feline-craze you should head out to these cafes and others that I havent visit and please do tel me about it. I would be delighted to read all your comments and reviews about cat cafes! Not only the ones in Singapore but also other countries too so I would know where to go to if I happen to visit the given country heheheh. Cat Cafe in Singapore has been a really great part of my whole year in Singapore because there I could pet all those fluffy fur and release all my tensions and they could somewhat cure my 'missing pets' disease. LOL! Well, I'll end the post now! See you guys next time!