Heeyyyooo!! Mutia is
bach back! Sorry for the late update as I was outside of town for the past few days, I just got back yesterday night and went to Mandarin class straight from the airport ooh lala. Anyway, before we proceed to the post, I was waking up drunk in jealousy
(but you'll come back each time you leave. Cause, darling, I'm a nightmare dressed like a daydream. Lel damn Taylor Swift sia) of my dad going to the friggin' New York!! NEW YORK BITCH I'M TALKING ABOUT THE MADISON SQUARE AND THE CENTRAL PARK OMG *mouth full of bubbles, body twitch* I woke up seeing a photo of my dad's ticket saying JFK New York and everything I was like fml (°ㅂ° ╬). Bunuh dedek, bang! Dedek sudah lelah. HAHAHAHA!
(pls use google translate to Indonesian for translation). Oh well, let's forget about New York or I will be dancing in my own tears lol wtf did I just typed? So, this is pretty random but I
♥ FLOWERS!!! I love everything about flowers, I have mentioned on my page that I am a flower girl. Gardens By The Bay is one of the places I could feel really really safe, happy and relax. I've been to Gardens By The Bay at night before but it was raining so me and Teemu had to go back home and this time I'd like to tell you about our second nicenice trip to Gardens By The Bay! So we left from apartments around late afternoon so it wont be too hot outside. We took a tram in the Garden because I managed to spot one and it costs us like SGD2 per person IF I am not mistaken. If we havta walk, aiyahhh die. Brmmm brmmmm. Oh, this post will have no filter effects except 1 picture
(steal from my previous facebook profile picture lel) unlike the previous post because I am a lazy bastard (ノ゚▽゚)ノ♥♥♥♥
In tram! Toot toot brmm brmmm |
Dat booty booty! If this is Indonesia, I am prety sure they will cencor the ass because Indonesia cencors everything LOL!
What a sculpture hahaha. |
The first thing we did is that we went to the Cloud Forest and of course we had to buy a ticket first. No student discount some more haiyah! I didn't went to the flower dome because I just realized that cloud forest and flower dome are two different things the moment I am writing this post. WTF!!!! I thought they're the same!! What a slowpoke sotong (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻ Right the second we stepped into the dome, the atmosphere was freezing cold
(prolly because I wore short skirts and off-shoulder blouse) and then I could feel all the water splash splashed on me it felt like I just had my second shower that day. When I looked up, a majestic artificial waterfall welcomed us on the main entrance with treetop walk acting like the gate that leads to Asgard
(Thor! My senpai! LOL!). Nothing much to see at the bottom but there are a lot of things to see when we got into the building that looked like a concerete mountain covered in green plants and flowers as accessories.
Le water fall. |
You know that it'll be better if Teemu was next to me in the picture. |
The Fall Célfie. |
Le derp arna LOL! |
Never thought that I would have a caucasian boyfriend :') |
Majestic view. |
The view tho. |
My eyeliner wing LOL! I was still a newbie with a make up, especially eyeliner that time.
Teemu looks just like when he was a little boy. I've seen his childhood pictures before. |
:D |
Look who's tryna be a shadow. |
Spotted totem. |
Let me take a selfie. |
Le Nordic boyfriend. He's a brunette and I'm a black haired girl. |
Cute trains spotted that reminds me of one of South Park's episode. |
This thing really caught my eyes. I can't take off my eyes out of this. Seriously mesmerized. If only this could be used as a
transport, I would ride it from Indonesia to The Netherlands HAHAHAHHAHA! |
So this cloud forest mountain thing is divided into several parts on different levels such as Lost World + Cloud Walk, The Cavern, The Crystal Mountain + Treetop Walk, The Waterfall View, Earth Check, 5 Degrees, The Fall and Secret Garden. The treetop walk was fun because we could see almost everything on the ground from there as the cloud walk couldn't show us much. I'm scared of the heights but the scariest thing about this, is I have to walk on the metal that has no holes or else people can see what's beneath. EEK! Hopefully not. There is this naughty little boy who kept on jumping on the treetop walk so everything was shaking. I'm scared what if the walk fall down and we were all dead?! I know I should believe in the architect but still, we all do have that thought sometimes don't we?
Because your back shows how strong you really are inside. Fluffy skirt, I like! |
Hellopanda hellopanda! |
Facebook profile picture hahahah. |
The curliness of my hair blends well the the root of the plants in the whole Gardens By The Bay... |
HAHAHAH! From what you can see on my screen, I'm pretty sure you guys know what we were talking about. |
Candid shot always turned out good. |
I've told you candid shot always turned out amazing C: |
Le coquette Mutia. |
The best yet so far. |
Derpy shot! Enjoy! Once again I am ruining my image as an elegant and delicate person.
HAHAHHAH! Although I look like a potato that was thinking about something deep. |
AIGHT! Let's move on from the Treetop Walk to the Crystal Mountain. So unlike any other sections, Crystal Mountain section is covering 2 storeys height. There are some stalactites, stalagmites and some granite rocks if I am not mistaken. It has been a while since then and I didn't even bother to take pictures, just letting Teemu doing all the phototaking and yes Teemu, I give you credits for every pictures taken in my recent blogposts HAHAHAHAAH! Also they said not to touch the stones, my hands were itchy to touch it but I must resist. I'm the type of person who will go against the rules sometimes lel. But not in campus or else I will get a 0 fml.
Here we are in the Crystal Mountain section. |
Kids, this is how you plug in an electric charge. |
With.. Not sure. Stalactite? Stalagmite? |
More pictures of me! |
Are you sick of it yet? |
Move along! Now we go to The Lost World and Waterfall View. My favorite part of the Cloud Forest is the Lost World because it's so amazingly pretty! It reminds me of A Midsummer Night's Dream by Shakespeare. Well, I've read the story but I haven't watched it on stage.. Yet but I would love to watch one. Surprisingly there's a beautiful pond decorated with plants and other decorations that attracts a lot of attention from the tourists that Teemu had to take a lot of pictures for me but don't worry, I won't upload them all. Now, talking about the Waterfall View, there are not so much things to talk about as it's just a normal waterfall view from different heights than The Fall. Heheheh!
Le pond is so prettay! Dad said he wants to build a fish pond at our backyard. He should make one like this. Not the same
one but use this as an inspiration would be nice. |
Who's the good girl? LOL! |
Close up picture of me I was like "Wat?" |
All the lil piphels. Wtf is piphel? AHAHAHA! I have no idea what they are called. |
Teemu, Heini and Samu. Teemu and his siblings spotted on the boat HAHAHAHAH! Kidding be. |
Can somebody please a build a building based on this flower? This flower is just stunning! |
What are these pretty little things? They look like Hydrangea blossoms but a little different. |
Aren't you the pretty one, my dear? Spot the Singapore Flyer! |
Trying to imagine that this is your shower in your house. You'd have a friggin huge bathroom then XD. |
Done with the Lost World and All, now let's talk about 5 Degrees and Secret Garden. Nothing much to say about 5 Degrees, we were watching a documentary about the world's temperature has increased for 5 degrees since uhh I forgot HAHAHAHAH! Let it be a mystery. Also, if I am not mistaken we got to see some sciences stuffs in other parts of 5 Degrees but I don't remember what they are. And now, the Secret Garden is pretty much like the butterfly garden in Sentosa. Yea, kinda similar but the only difference is the placement of things, plants varieties and size. Check it out!
Watch a documentary in 5 degrees section of cloud forest. Teemu said it's sucks, made by provocator but I think that
documentary is great because it could made people feel like they have to save energy and save the earth from you know..
Downfall lel. |
Teemu took this picture because he's a sakai man who never sees a waterfall before in his almost 21 years of his life jk. |
What could be more lovely than an orchid? WHITE ORCHID!! *white color user radar mode activated* |
1 |
2 |
3. LOL! I was just wasting your time scrolling hahahha. |
In the secret garden oh oh. |
Some hana (flower in Japanese). |
For a second I feel like I am in a Jurassic Park ._. |
Aight, it's enough talking about the Cloud Forest. Somehow I feel lucky for not going into the Flower Dome or else I will have to stay awake even longer to finish off this post hahahaa. Okay, walked out of the Cloud Forest and let's play in the outdoor now, shall we? We basically walked around the gardens and some Supertree Grove. I gotta admit that Gardens By The Bay is super super big. Luckily I was wearing wedges that are super comfortable or else I would be dying if I was wearing my valentino studded shoes. Kill me LOL! We went to the World of Plants part where the plants are shapped into things like elphants hahaha. Cutie!
What we see when we went outside of the Cloud Forest! Singapore Flyer. I am going to blog about it next! |
Frangipani and MBS hotel, the best thing ever. Btw, I have stayed in that hotel for a night for FREE!! Following my friend to
crash a sleepover. The perks of having friends everywhere. |
Le me imitating ze grassy elephant. |
*smooch!* |
An awkward Fin with an elephant. I pity him so I told him I want to take a picture of him with the elephant as I kept on
telling him to take pictures. But honestly he likes taking picture anyway heheheheh. |
One of the best architecture I have ever seen in Singapore other than the Park Royal Hotel Chinatown, The
Pinnacle@Duxton, Marina Bay Sands Hotel. |
OCBC Skyway!!! |
I've never been sooooo relax anywhere in Singapore. |
I love the idea of branches. It gave me fresh ideas about my designs you know. |
The 22 metres in height, OCBC Skywalk. We'd love to go up there. Thought it would be
expensive but no, it's just $5 lel. |
The next time I go there, I would go up! |
You can't get a view as nice as this anywhere else. Only in Singapore. The land of the lion. Lannister LOL! GoT much. |
I am secretly hoping that this would be my garden hahaha but no. I'm sure everybody wanna have a garden as amazing as this. |
More of this. |
Some of you would have a viewgasm here. |
I know that the Supertree Grove is amazing! Me and Teemu took a loooooot more pictures of them but I didn't upload all of them because you'll get sick of em. It's better if you guys come to Singapore and see it in real life. It'll be much much more worth it compared to seeing em from my blog, right? My blog is just a guide path for you all LOL! HAHAHAHAHA! Well, tired of taking pictures of the supertree, we went resting on one of the safe spot
(read: supertree grove with less people or even none because we are antisocial sometimes. Except Teemu, he's damn antisocial la). We took a lot of pictures of our own faces hahha! Without further ado, here you go! OH! I forgot to mention that I took a really nice picture of Teemu lying nearby the plants but he didn't send me the picture I have no idea why. Maybe he's shy that we all can see his armpit hair but who cares? Men are much much more macho when they have armpit hair anyway and any other hair too like beards and leg hair HAHAHAHAH! Some women will think the opposite way but hey, this is my opinion :D
Here you go. Tenggelam kapal kapten LOL! |
Topi saya bundar. LOL! |
Fabulous hair, fabulous clothes, fabulous trash LOL! |
It's not a Mutia if she doesn't take ootds! |
Hair turned fabulous aka febeles in a sec. |
Surrender yourself to me. Give me all of you for a sacrifice! LOL! AHHAHAHA MY GOD MY FACE DAMN POKAI SIA! |
Tryna act cute like how my friends took pictures with their partners and uploaded it on instagram. |
SHHHHHH!... Say no more... |
Tryna work on our doge face. Teemu looks like a Swede here for no reason. |
My Viking! Well, he's not a viking but he is for me anyway C: |
Well, we actually went around the park but we didn't take a lot of picures because everything looks the same. At least for me because I suck. Also we didn't visited some parts of the Garden like the Sun Pavilion, Heritage Gardens etc
(prolly we went there but not covering the whole thing as we didn't take any pictures for a memento or prolly Teem didn't send me every pictures he took). We managed to go nearby the Dragonfly & Kingfisher Lakes. I should end this post now as this post is waaay tooo long and I have no more picture or any activities to talk about. At the end of the day we didn't dine in Gardens By The Bay because we're sure it's gonna be expensive as heck as it is located in one of the most prominent locations in Singapore. Also, we went to the gift shop to take some pictures. I spotted a very cute owl decoration that I love so much. Wanted to take a picture of it but the shopkeeper said no pictures allowed wtf but Teemu got to take some pictures. Hmmm.. We went to the gift shop not only for the purpose of photo taking or compliment the cute things available but also to take some souvenir penny. I am collecting souvenir pennies in Singapore. There was one time me and Teemu were hunting for souvenir pennies for the whole late afternoon in Sentosa island because I wanna go outside of the house and being a whiny lil bitch so Teemu has no choice but to bring me out hahaahah
(sounds really tough to be my boyfriend. I pity him sometimes hahah but I stil love him anyway. Mmke I will say cheezy stuffs online no more because it's pretty much disgusts me a little hahahahah!). Alrighty then! I'll see you guys in my next posts! Still regarding a little piece of Singapore. Keep reading!
Who doesn't love teddy bears, huh? Teddy bears are life! |
He simply put a hat on me and said that I looked like a witch. |
Now I am wishing to have my DSLR with me that time so I can take a better quality picture. |