Now, let's update on what's kinda new. I'm no longer in a relationship with Thaqif, I'm dating a Fin now called Teemu. Thaqif broke up with me because of a weird jealousy going on between my gay schoolmate and I and I didn't have time for him as I was busy with new school life and some Indonesian club shits. Thaqif always left me to play online games anyway so yeah, we broke up. Months after that I met Teemu. Anyways.. A few weeks back I was travelling to China to check out my new campus and my new house. I went there with my dad, bro and mom. We were supposed to stay in Shanghai but since bro never been to China, my dad brought us to Beijing first. So we fly over from Soekarno-Hatta International Airport Jakarta to Pudong International Airport Shanghai then to Beijing Capital International Airport. Flight from Jakarta to Shanghai took us 5-6 hours, we were leaving in midnight. PIC!
How long has it been since you guys saw my dad? Eyeliner game is strong af. |
In front of the St. Michael Church. Dad insisted that this is a museum lel. I feel
like I'm in Europe HAHAHHAHA |
That day's #ootd. Yes, it's mom's scarf earlier, I stole it for style. |
We were super starving and luckily there happens to be a muslim restaurant around called Dong Lai Shun. I have been here before, it's a steamboat restaurant. The only thing I can remember about this restaurant from my last visit is that the Coca Cola packaging has a girl's picture LOL! I have it in my photo album, I can show you if you want me to upload it hahah. The most impressive thing about the restaurant is explained by the picture below and the super abundant food they gave us. You can eat sampe tumpeh tumpeh
(means spilling out).
The magical cone LOL! |
Roaming the street of Wangfujing at night and mom was craving for ice cream, found an ice cream shop with a fucking long queue I have ever seen in my entire almost 19 years of living. People kept on queueing day and night. It made me super curious so I read the name board, tea shop. From the queue and the founded year, I know that thing is a must try in Beijing. Legendary for sure lol. So, I begged my dad for money to buy ice cream like a child because I'm pretty sure they will serve tea flavored ice cream! *teahard radar mode on*.
That's the legendary store. |
An unfiltered and uninstagramed version of the ice cream. I gotta admit that
I just ate the best ice cream ever like seriously, must eat wuyutai again in China! |
Family shot Beijing Day 1! *throws flowers to the air* |
Controversial pic of the year. |
That marked our first day in Beijing. Wanted to go to Tian'anmen square and Forbidden city but no time. On our 2nd day in Beijing, we woke up early for a tour. It was freezing as heck. When I reached downstairs, I saw all the pupu were stacking each other in the yellow house under the heating light LOL! Must be so cold.. Well, our tour guide's name is Angel
(Hey Angel, you duh sexy - mychonny). She brought us to our first destination called the Ming Tombs. She told us we go there first because no one goes there after 12 pm according to the yin and yang thing. Chinese are very superstitious. Angel then told us that if we wear Jade to Ming's tomb, no ghosts could follow us home. I've been wearing jade for God knows how long hahah so I'm like mmkay no ghosts. I learned a lot about Jade from Angel. Will tell you about it next time or else the blogpost will be as long as the Great Wall. Guess what, they surprisingly have wifi in Ming Tombs area LOL! I spotted a free wifi board. Looks like the emperor ghost is surfing the internet HAHA! Heard about an underground city under the tomb but no one found it yet. Heard there are lots of treasures there..
Ming's Tomb. I didn't took pictures of the entrance gate. The
entrance gate looks majestic tho. |
An uninstagramed version of me in Ming's Tomb. |
Idk what kind of plant this is but it looks very pretty. I was guessing that this
is ginko but who knows :D |
Back side of the area. |
I have no idea what this is. I just take pic like kepo person ._. |
Selfie time! Dayum I look hawt af. Lel XD |
After from the Ming Tomb's she brought us to the only jade carving factory in Beijing. I forgot to mention that when we're leaving the Ming tomb, we went through this door placed in the middle of a field saying "Wo hui lai le" means I go home now to tell the ghosts we're leaving. If we say it in English, the ghosts wont understand, they said. Back to jade carving factory, jade is used not only for jewellery but also for decoration. They promote jade so much. Marketing haiyah... Not to mention an Iran elder couple we met in the tour bought some jades. My bro said they just
ate the marketing. Anyway, saw all those decorations and turned out they're sold in USD not CNY so we were like "Don't touch it, later daddy will pay a lot of money." LOL! Then we had a nice lunch. Oh, forgot to mention when me and my mom were in the ladies toilet, a man went into the ladies toilet, wanted to tell him to go next door, but he already inside the cubicle, pretty sure that he wants to doodie so bad that he just had to... Then, we went to the highlight of the day.
The Great Wall of China *trumpet sounds*!!!! Not to mention that I was snoring on the way there HAHAHAH! Not enough sleep. Also, I could see lots and lots of sakura/cherryblossom trees along the road. I feel like I'm no longer need to go to Japan to see Sakura, just go to Japan to watch Geisha lol! We went to the Badaling section instead of the Mutianyu section because it is more famous. We went up there with a train instead of climbing ourself, on my first time there, there are no such things as train which is why the gave me a medalion saying that I have climbed the Great Wall of China hahah. The train was fucking scary I tell you, I kept on praying to the Gods to save my life and make sure nothing happens LOL!
You can see all the leave-less tree and my reflection on the mirror |
I don't wanna die yet please. |
Super happy since we're all still alive! |
Look at this! I learned a lot about the Great Wall of China, its history just wow. |
#ootd that day. Scarf from Chanel, coat from Zara (stole mommy's one), jeans
from I forgot lol, and shoes from Hougang. LOL! Sounds like the Hougang area
in Singapore HAHAHA!! |
Selfie ~ Whoah, the uncle at the back damn fab la what the hell -_- |
Beijing Day 2. Badaling section, Chang cheng. |
Going down. Was praying the whole time, I'm too fab to die lol. |
I didn't climb the Great Wall this time because no one wants to follow me. Mom was in in badmood to walk around, dad wants to accompany mom, bro is too fat to climb. HAHAHAHAH! The way down is much much scarier. I told my God I STILL don't wanna die yet since I heard the screeching sound from the break zomgwtf. Not to mention that the poles that keep the railways together are made out of thin woods, it made my heart beats even faster LOL! Reached ground level and still alive, I spotted fur hat yay! I have always wanted to have a fur winter hat that looks like a shorter version of boyar hat so I asked my boyfriend to buy for me while he was in Toronto but he gave me an Ushanka LOL!
LOOK WHAT I BOUGHT! YAY!!!! Want white one but it doesn't suit my skin
tone. Please ignore the mountain gorilla next to me please :))) He wore what we
bought for his girlfriend. |
After from the tour, Angel said we've been a very good kids of hers lol. She said that she will bring us to a foot massage parlour. I have to be honest, the hallway show pictures of General Mao with lots of the world leaders but the pictures are pretty pixelated. When we're in the room, there's a huge picture at the front of room showing this part of feet goes to lungs blabla. Not long after that, a Chinese lady came to explained all the stuufs. I clearly have no idea what she's saying, her Chinglish is so strong so I just stared at her boobs all the time lol (quite big, I'm guessing C cup). Unfortunately I'm not 20 yet so they don't recommend me to do the massage. My face was like a crying panda that time lol! Then she introduced some 'professors' that studied from Tibet about herbal blabla. My dad had already warned us about marketing so we didn't buy anything, my mom already know about it since she went here before from a tour. Then the lady told those who wants to get checked by the professors please raise your hands. My dad raised his hands (for fuck's sake, dad?! -___-). The professor told my dad that he has these these these and my dad argue with the professor in mandarin, my dad said he just had scan and everything so the somewhat professor left him. Me and my bro excpected the Iran couple bought the medicine but on the way home, my dad sat next to the Iranian uncle and talked about it. Turned out that uncle is a doctor HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! He didn't buy the medicine. He said that the professor said these these these, so he just shook the professor's hand and said "Hey, I'm a doctor." LOL! Then the professor left wtf?! *brb rofling*. Then after the tour and all, we waited for someone to show up in our hotel. Guess who I am meeting in Beijing!
I MET NOVIE THE STARBUCKS BOSS YAY! My sister from another parents.
We're going to visit each other often! |
We go to a very famous restaurant for ducks named Quan Ju De nearby hotel.
Still in Wangfujing area. |
Le roasted peking duck from Quan Ju De. Best duck I have ever tasted in my life
I swear cross my heart. Heard it's been aroud China since Ming Dynasty. No wonder
the emperor's stomach damn big, he ate this everyday LOL! The most expensive one as
well.. Haiyah -____- |
Posing in front of Quan Ju De. Meet Goldie (right), she's from Indonesia. Novie's
college mate C: |
Craving for ice creams after dinner but wuyutai has closed so we ate other ice
cream nearby. Novie, mine, Goldie and dad's hand HAHAH! |
Girls are tame af when they got their ice creams. So happy with our ice cream.
The green tea ice cream is not as bitter as wuyutai's btw. Me likey. |
Reunited sisters *love love love* #potn that day. Till we meet again, Love. |
Can't believe it has been 1,5 years after our highschool graduation and prom omg time sure does flew so fast eh? With this, I marked my last day in Beijing! Oke, now flying to Shanghai. I woke up 4 am in the morning feeling like P.Diddy to catch flight to Shanghai. We're staying in River Bund Hotel Shanghai in Beijing street nearby Nanjing road. Supposed to meet the real estate agency but we changed the schedule to tomorrow. Wanted to go to the Shanghai tower and cruising to retake all the photos there because 7 years ago I was unphotogenic and doesn't even care about looks yet people keep calling me pretty, What the fuck did they see in me 7 years ago. LOL! I have no idea. Anyway, we just ended up on walking around Nanjing road and dad showed us a very awesome muslim restaurant called Midina. Took us quite a while to get there since we were lost hahah.
Dad joined in when he saw me taking selfie. Before takeoff
to Shanghai! |
I grow fond of this hat. I look super East Asian! |
Shanghai was foggy that day. Supposed to be 24C but dropped
down to 13C after rain. You can spot the Shanghai tower from
the far. |
Just look at the kebab satay oo lala!! The uzbekistan pizza is super fucking
awesome Best mutton I have ever eaten omg will come back here once I
reach Shanghai next month!! |
That day's #ootd. So happy with my first winter coat ever though
my dad scolded me for buying branded. EXCUSE ME?! I need
this shit ok, for preparation on coming winter, later price go up.
It's not like I buy a pair of Manolo Blahnik shoes mmkay, |
Chilling beautifully at Mojo Cafe! Oh, this is taken wih our selfie stick. Our
family has been resisting to buy one for so long but finally we ended up buying it for
a very cheap price with better feature compared to the one sold online in my country. |
On the way home, we happened to buy a few stuffs that I even lazy to mention. Long story short that marked our first day in Shanghai. Aight, basically the second day which is also the last day for me to stay in Shanghai I met Alex who's the real estate agent. We went to visit all the apartments. I gotta admit the locations are freaking cool, super convenient, full of cute little dogies roaming around, cafes, convenient store, sakura trees. Just WOW! *doge face*. But seriously, that thing is super expensive and the apartment is too big for myself. I'd rather get myself a studio instead. My mom insisted to have 2-3 rooms and ended up we're not even renting one.. Haiyah mommy. My bro was super pissed off at me about me moving to China. But I don't care, I mean it's my life not his, he doesn't even know the shits I'm dealing with. If only he's a fashion design major in my campus and dealing with the same problems, I'm sure he wants to move as well. Well, last time he wanted to change major to IT and my dad beats the shit out of his sorry ass anyway. Back to real life now, after visited 3 houses we asked Alex to drop us at DongHua University which the Raffles Design Institute Shanghai located. We met a really nice consultant named Laura and we talked for hours about the school and I like it. From hearing the clear stories, I'm sure my life would be better here in China oh I just can't wait to start my new campus! It'll be a brand new page and I will be that new girl again hahahah. After that, we went to eat at Midina and walked through the Nanjing road again. I forgot to mention that I wore my winter coat that day! That day's temperature was super hot in the afternoon that me and the other Indonesians are dying and it cold at night, I was like what is this?
Nanjing road at night. I love the metropolitans. As a girl who is
raised in a small town, this is pretty amazing. I love bright lights.
Read team! My mac red lipstick gone alreeady from the dinner
hahahah. Too lazy to apply back ._. |
I happened to find the cutest milk tea ever. RILAKKUMA!! YOU
and uninstagramed version. |
That day's #ootd. I have always wanted to have a red coat like that.
My life is complete. |
Well, I wanted to talk more about how I got home but I think this is enough for now. Thank you so much for reading this super long post. Smell ya later guys! :D