Haro ~ It has been a long time since I didn't post anything up into this blog. Do you miss me? I am 17 now, sorry I didn't post anything about my 17th birthday party but I had a great fun with mommy since she came to Malaysia for my birthday. We watched Pacific Rim and had a dinner. Anyway, I just came back from IA camp yesterday. It has been more than a year since the last IA camp. Since I have been through my silver level last year. I am in gold level now. The highest rank of all MUAHAHAH! This camp took place at the same exact location, at Camp Permai in Damai. But this time, 4 days 3 nights. AWESOME! Yet I am wishing that Thaqif was in the camp because this is how me and Thaqif ended up together as a couple. Oh well, bear with me :D
(◕‿◕✿) DAY 1
Gathered at school and only so little people came to school that day because me and Jia were derping around school before we head off to Damai. I sat with Ceb in the bus and we keep laughing all the way to Damai from school. Checked in, our cabin is nearer than last time. Ours in cabin 6. But it's uphill wtf. Ceb is in charge of our cabin key whee! My cabin mates are the same with last year, Me, Ceb, Jia and Lai Riy. No Bianca this time. And since yr 10 girls are quite a lot so they transferred a girl to our cabin from India. Her name is Harini. I shared my room with Jia and Ceb, so Harini and Lai Riy are together in one room. I joined my bed with Ceb while Jia prefer to sleep alone so she didn't join her bed with ours :3
Just arrived and it was.. Afternoon tea or just
snack time. Mmm spring rolls :D |
Too excited for foods and this is my face. Do not puke... |
Ceb was holding my bag. I sat with her this time
on the bus and we keep laughing all the way to
Damai from school. PAHAHAHAH :DD |
My lunch. Long bean veggie, omelette, sour
and sweet chickens. Yummy :D |
We were supposed to play a random game outside but it was raining. Uuuuuu so we had to go to this certain hall which I forgot what the name is. And we played games! I'm on the same team with Jia but separated with Ceb :( Then we had a scenario game where our eyes were closed by a piece of cloth and they asked us to follow the rope. We have to hold the rope. The story is that, we were lost from a nightwalking and we have no torch light. Jia was holding my shoulder and when I hit tree barks, both of us sweared. Ciba* all the way wtf. Went back to cabin to take bath and went for dinner and night walking alongside the beach woots! :D Then followed by a card game session with Ms.Chee and my cabin mate :3
Play inside the uhh.. I forgot the room's name but I remember
we went to this hall last year :3 |
Nyanyiii dalam hujan (singing in the rain) :3 |
Just bathed and ready to go out for dinner and
nightwalking. Whoop Whoop =D |
My girlfriends and I :3 |
Luckily we had a super big mirror in our cabin
this time ^^ |
BEHOLD! My candid picture of Ceb eating her
dinner :P |
Looks nice eh? But believe me, it was horrible.
I didn't even finish mine!! Nobody finished theirs. |
Lookie! A cute crab :D |
Oh.. Okay, we got it, Pern.. We got it .___." |
Just.. Wtf la .___. |
Now kiss! :)))) |
Ms. Chee is in our cabin playing cards and
WHEE ~ So fun :D |
Ceb! Guess we were playing goldfish game :3 |
And this is me. Looking so unattractive as usual.
Now you know how I usually look at home. Thaqif,
don't cry -__-v |
Jia looks so fierce taking the card :))) |
(◕‿◕✿) DAY 2
Our programme for today is water sport! It means kayakking, yay! Aaaand we got to go to the lone tree that I have been dreaming of. I had a nice breakfast today. Pancakes and samboza and omellete and cereals. I told my roommate last night that I am craving for cereals and today I got it. Yay! After breakfast and freetime for sometime, we went back to our cabin to change. Me and ceb wore swimsuit but we top it of with shirt too. We were going for camp not a swimsuit contest. Me and Ceb go for double kayak. So fun! Me and Ceb are unbreakable pffft. Always stick together. Even sleeping also stick together lol XD
Good meal in the morning. My tummy is very
vey happy :D And it tastes great too YAY! |
My fav cereal evarrr.. Honey stars!! :D |
Straight away play cards after breakfast, I am next to joel. The
bright blue shirt over there, Lai Riy's head blocking my face :P |
Mine and Ceb's swimswuit. Sorry, no pictures of us in swimsuit.
Not for public display :P |
The people :3 |
Yussuf and Lai Riy. |
Ms. Teressa :D |
Swimming towards the lone tree ~ |
Mr. Ivan is following us on this trip too ^^ |
A fucked up boat. Few acrobatic divers insisted to go to the sea
with this boat yesterday when the waves are high. See now la,
see la, go to the sea again when the waves are high again some more. |
Mai chicken la, me and Ceb lost our specs -.-" The waves are really high and big so our kayak was capsized, both of us were protecting our heads from the kayak afraid it's gonna hit our head because damn, double kayak is big and quite heavy eventhough it can float. I think the sea is angry with both me and Ceb because we were keep making jokes from Damai Permai to Damai Central alongside the beach and we laughed like retards some more. Made jokes about a bit a bit. Only my year understands these a bit a bit joke. My joke is "I.. I don't have the money.. S-so expensive. My girlfriend don't have. M-my girlfriend's friend oso don't have.. So I eat the sand a bit a bit." in deepest voice of mine. LOL and it was a trending! So I am blind for few days or a week idk, wit till I get my new specs. Ceb called her dad and her dad brought her the spare glasses. But I managed to tackle the high ropes :D
Once again we met, high ropes. Oh, hello Mr.John :D |
Focus on Jia omg wtf -____- |
Nyawwwwhhh :'3 |
Jia looks so rage and I'm like nciuu .__.v |
Mommy and daughter :3 |
Lol sorry lo you kenak cut :)) |
I'm like yay fish face and Jia is like NYEHHEH
I'M A GHOST! DIE, KIDS!! DIEEE!!! lol :)) |
My favorite picture of all andomg I look like
a totem XDD |
Me and my kids. Yes, kids .__.v |
Yo, Caillian. The most excited dude for high
ropes that day .___. |
I finished my obstacles and wtf I look like I have
a penis -______- |
Afternoon tea menu and more cards right after
high ropes ^^ |
Talking about my specs, my mom scold me like hell. But my dad was so calm and told my mom to chill her tits down. And yea, everything is fine now though I am still disappointed with my mom since she didn't ask me whether the kayak hit me or not, am I okay or not yet she scolds me like asdfghjkl. OH! After we lost our specs, me and Ceb wanted to go to the jungle pool to chill but then we saw a nude phototaking on the pool so we straight away made a U turn without stepping on the stairs to the jungle pool lol wtf the photographer is so damn chiko some more -__- No activities for tonight, saving up for the big day tomorrow, MT. SANTUBONG CLIMBING!
(◕‿◕✿) DAY 3
Today is the day that I have been waiting for. Climbing Mount Santubong and thinking how many calories will be burnt that could help me to burn more fats. But sadly, none of the teachers gave me permission to go hiking because my degrees are quite high and the mountain is very steep so as a good gal, I just stayed back with Ceb and for some reason, Harini. Idk why she doesn't want to climb tho. Ceb's spec degree is different with the one that lost so she can't go hiking. And I have to be separated with Jia for the whole day uhuhuhuhu ~ So sad :(
Squirrels in the morning. There were 5-6 that morning :3 |
My breakfast. Mee goreng, pancakes and frenchtoast, scrambled
eggs in the back there and another honey stars :)) |
Ceb is so happy because all of 'em are her favorite foods :D |
Yo, purple daughter. Fighting for climbing the mountain eh, don't
give up and make this short mama proud :)) |
Briefing for those who are going to climb. Take
care ~ *take out a white handkerchief and wave* |
Surprisingly Ms. Teressa stayed back with us since she had done the climbing before so she brought us to the Culturual Village. YAY! I didn't changed my clothes since Ceb told me it'll be very hot if I wear dress and blabla so I just cincai still wearing my hiking clothes which are very short but I covered it up with jacket. Here are the pictures of us in cultural village :D
Passport. We gotta stamp the inside for 2 pages.
Now let's go :D |
Just moved into a new house with 2 bodyguards LOL :))) |
I'm a very happy house indeed. Feel my retardedness
nyehehehe :P |
Enjoy my silly face -__-v |
Walk walk walk :3 |
This is the primitive way on how to obtain
sugarcane water. Btw the abang is so handsome o.o |
The uncle is so cute XD |
Me and the ah pek. Ceb's favorite picture of all and mine too LOL |
The uhhh.. Stuffs? Idk what those are T.T |
Do not touch yet the person in the back touch
it. SO BADASS :))))) |
A dance to welcome people. Just a short dance and I enjoyed
it :) |
Self service ~ |
A very friendly ah ma knowing that I can speak
local Sarawakian language. In the end she stamps
my passport for me :') |
Met a miaw miaw. A very tame miaw miaw :3 |
Weaving in a traditional way in other house :D |
Some keropok :O |
Rice crackers or was it cassava? ==" |
Nice accessories o.o |
Me and my apparently 2nd approved daughter
and also my girlrfriend wtf incest family tree -___- |
I bought both Ceb and Ms. Teressa a necklace as a friendship sign and thanking her for bringing us to the cultural village. The pendant has our first letter in our name, mine is M, Ceb's is C and of course Ms.Teressa's is T. I'm really happy because I got to see new places and gain more experiences and share things to people through my blog. Anyway, we were told that there will be a show on 11:30 am at the teathre so we went ff to the teathre and while we're at the bamboo bridge, there's a bird that stucked so Ms. Teressa helped the bird then we release the bird and we went off to see the performances
(without forgetting to buy a drink first though in the end we can't bring water bottle inside -_-)
Bamboo bridge :D |
One more :3 |
Such a beautiful bird :') |
It pooped on Ms.Teressa's hand UNGRATEFUL!
Should've let you just stuck there lol. jk :))) |
(we sat in front because I can't see things clearly)
Dance ~ |
Another dance :D |
The person on the left lifted the wood weighted 20kg on his
shoulder by using his mouth. Wheee some action *_* |
I forgot whether is this the same dance or different dance since
they're wearing the same costume and just mix up there @_@ |
I was shivering when I saw these dudes. Thinking weird things
are going to happen anytime since it reminds me of the fire dance
I saw in Bali. |
And after those guys who brought the candle and the 'perfume' thingy reached the stage, the candle dude ate the fire so I was like O.O Then he pointed towards my direction since both me and ceb can't see things clearly, then I knew I was called up to the stage and whee ~ I went up to the stage and there was a loud session of applause (so many hot ang mohs some more wtf). The dude gave me the candle and he opened his mouth. Everybody thought that I have to eat the fire so I took few steps backwards and shook my head. The candle dude pat my shoulder and asked me to go down while he's doing his dancing stuffs and after he's done, he asked me to get up to the stage again and he made that face again and I was like oh sh*t I'm one fucked up girl then he pat my shoulder again and asked me to blow the candle only LOL! The dude didn't spoke to me, I wonder why -__-
Pardon me for my clothing |
Sorry guys, cencored. One does not simply seeing
my tummy and things ._.v |
Le blurr me brought the candle back like an idiot. |
The candle and I. Worried, do I really have to
eat that thing? .____. |
Do you even lift brah? |
Wait, is the bamboo placed right on the penis
part or what?! O_O |
The dudes there danced about hunting. It's amazing how they
could aim things right on a very far distance with only a bamboo
stick as a weapon O_O |
By the end of the show, people will be brought up to the stage
and dance together :3 |
Hello there, Ms. Teressa :D |
The abang who asked me to go up danced with Ms. Teressa and
Harini :3 |
After the shows end, we went back to search more houses to collect the stamps for our passport. I am very delightful by the performances by the people. More pictures ~ ^^
They even carved the woods for the floor omg.
They sure do have time fo dat O.O Nice ~ |
Case for keris (curved sword) :3 |
Cebrina's boyfriend making some curly things
out of rattan lol :)) |
Trying to make one and it failed. Too hard :< |
Harini doing it. |
Yay Ceb, go!! :D |
You can see how hard it is from her expression. |
I know how to play that thing already yayee though I lose my
balance when it's getting faster and faster.. |
I asked Ceb to take picture for me in this pose. Newlywed
bed :)) |
Cebrina the video game master :))) |
Stamp!! |
Stamps ~ :D (y) |
Some kind of uhh kuih o.o" |
Another friendly mamak :D |
Found a very cute kitten in Malay's house but
its very smelly so we call it as stink-o :D |
Swiiiing ~ I want a huge swing like that too in my house. |
At the souvenir shop right before we left the Cultural Village ^^ |
My stamp page. The neatest among the 3 :D |
Page one. So neat eh but meh, the red ink from
the other page ruins it T.T But tolerable XD |
Reached Camp Permai after a walk for 5-10 mins from the Cultural Village.
My lunch. It's very cold.. The fried chicken is cold yet so nice
aahh I want fried chicken T.T |
Ceb and I ;) |
With the flower I took at the cultural village.
Ceb photobomb lol XDD |
After lunch we went for a nice relaxing cold water bathe in the jungle pool before we went body surfing at the beach wearing floaties. Me and Ceb were floating around happily with our life jackets but idk why Harini can't even float even with her life jacket on wtf .___. My life is so relaxing and fun eh? :D
Mike, you can do it!! |
The path :D |
Another map ;) |
Watch your step fellas :D |
Resting at the hit somewhere on Mount Santubong :3 |
Mr. Joooohhhhnnnnn :D |
LOL Jia :)) |
The view from the top of Santubong. |
Going back down and I can see that it's really
steep. I can't imagine if I was there with them :O |
So I met Jia and Lai Riy on our way to the restaurant, they just arrived and I am so proud with them. They made it to the top oh yay!
WOOOOT MY DAUGHTER MADE IT TO THE TOP!! I gave birth to a legend lol wtf did I just typed. So we had our camp fire that night but no BBQ, sucks. Since I wore such revealing clothes, I decided to wear covered clothes because I feel secure with covered clothes. Not as fun as last year becuse there aren't any ghost stories that night so the girls and I went back to our Cabin except for Lai Riy :3
My sleeping dress topped with Cebs large shirt
for camp fire. I'm ready. You likey? :) |
Our fire. Looks much better than last year's
one :D |
My first uhh roasted marshmallow :'D |
(◕‿◕✿) DAY 4
So today is the last day of our camp. So sad knowing that I don't have to apply mosquito and insect repellent that smells nice everytime I go out or afterI bathed and before I go to bed. I have created a nice bond with my bed too. I will miss the voices of animals out there walking and making noises that sounded like a night rhapsody
(yerrr), I will miss the time when I can finally go to bed without aircon and still freezing. I will miss the moment where my friends will woke me up every morning and told me to move my ass from my bed. Good times :')
A nice breakfast of fried bee hoon (I like the
texture), french toast and mushroom cooked
with corn. Nice combination. Happy tummy -^^- |
Today's programme is only raft building then followed by lunch and go back home. My team members are me, Jia, Ceb, Rudy, Anson, Yussuf, Pern, Dong Woo, Sebastian, Darren. Not sure about Yi Yang and Lai Riy. I can't remember. So we gotta build a raft that is strong enough then we bring the raft to the sea, we have to ride on it, row our raft passing a ball and turn around and go back to the shore. The winner gets ice cream! My team won! HAHAHAHA! :DD
LOL Jon :)) |
Barrels as floaties.. |
Veggies, aromatic rice and chicken. Damn nice
chicken but my table can't eat much because
no more stock fml T.T |
Vain session. Happy with my extra curly hair
after shower. |
Me and Ceb :D |
Okay, a vain picture of me. Tryna look like ang
moh at least in one picture but aiyaa nvm la -_- |
Sleeping Darren :3 |
Our luggage. |
Time to go back :3 |
Ms. Teressa checking out |
Ice cream for winners. Mine and Jia's tropicana while Ceb's
the cone one :D |
With our treats. The taste of winning T.T
*happy tears* |
Finally! A picture with Ms. Teressa ^^ |
We're supposed to arrive in Kuching before either 3 or 4 pm. But the bus company forgotten so we gotta wait for another hour for the bus to arrive. So sien already. And once the bus arrived, it's notike the bus we're execing for. A bus fr workers. Can you imagine? No aircon, old bus, the seat is very crumpled and small and omfg. We went to damai with such a nice bus like last year. This years bus suckish but oh well, it's another experience to ride that kind of bus. Reached school and Ceb insisted to send me home. Thanks Ceb :)
Expressing our unhappiness. Grump humans. |
Lepak at school too tired -,-" |
Well, that's all for my IA camp experience. We've been through a lot of things. Happy and angry. I can't write it all down because it's too long. If you are the person who makes trouble with me and my friends you better be sorry, you know who you are. There will be no more IA camp in the future. If yes then I'm looking forward to it. It's nice to know that I actually could gain these unforgetable memories and experience. Thank you so much for reading this post. If you haven't read my Silver Awards Expedition Camp, click
here. Btw, I miss my specs. I wonder how's it going in the sea dancing in the waves. Ahhh, I will never make any jokes alongside the beach again ~