*poof!* Heyoww, it has been a while eh? Do you miss me? Nvm, I'll answer it myself yes you miss me lol. Over confident. Anyway, I am back to Indonesia for Eid & fasting month holiday whee! Only for about 2-3 weeks but that's alright as long as I have holiday. So as usual, I went out with my middle school best friends who're like my own siblings. It has been 5 years since we knew each others except for Dieqy because we've been friends since primary though not as close as now but that doesn't matter anymore now. I have all of them right by my side. Went out to mall for iftaar
(fast breaking). Played at the arcade and shopped before we went to our destination place to eat and we picked A&W since other places are full. It was so crowded but luckily we got special seat that only applies to minimum at least 5 people. HAH! HOW YOU FEEL BITCHES?! We got da vip seat lol C:
First picture of theday ^^ |
Sisters for lyf! Shorty rules! Meep meep! :DD |
My girlfriend since year 7. Now.. 5 years later :) |
Nada, it means tune in English. What a nice name
she has ♡ |
Can I just look normal for at least FOR ONCE?! -__- |
I'm a fish lol *lame* Camhoed with Dieqy's tablet.
He had to send me the pictures lol pity him. |
My boyfriends. Edo, Ferry and Dieqy. My bros. For life :') ♡ |
Their dinner. They said that I'm on diet after they see my food.
No le, I'm just saving money -___- See my food below.. |
And this is my dinner. So nice! Close enough to
McD's double cheeseburger :D I LIKE!!!! |
Hello, how you doin? :) |
A&W :) |
Me, my boys and my girlfriend, I just lost 5 kgs
btw C: |
I don't want the day to end yet and I owed Edo to pay for his J.Co drink before and since I am the type of a person who will keep her words *Malaysia's Chinese accent* so I chia him a drink lo ~ I also paid for Ferry's drink, Dieqy doesn't want to drink I don't know why eventhough I told him I'll pay for his drink. I shared my drink with Nada
(Thaqif don't be jealous, I know you want to know how it feels like to share drinks with me lol wtf dafuq Mutia?! So lasap -__- *slaps my mouth*) and we chilled in J.Co, talked about life. I told them about my recent IA camp but sadly Edo had to go back early so he didn't got to listen to my awesome and crazy story but anyway, Edo can check on my blog since he has a blogspot too. Nah,
Edo (click on his name to enter his blog. He blogs in Indonesian) C:
If you know me well, you know which drink is mine :D |
Lovelies C: ♡ |
Me and big sis, Nada. The one who always sticks
to me. I'll never find anyone like her. I love her lots.
We have so much similarities :D ♡♡ |
Dieqy, we've known each others since primary 4. I used to call
him strawberry head HAHA. Never thought that I'll become his
best friend since middle school HAHA! :DD |
Big bro, eldest among em. Dieqy! The most
patient and calm dude who can tolerate my
stupid attitudes. RESPECT! XDD *clap clap* |
Me and lil bro, Ferry! The cheerful dude who always
laugh at my jokes whether it's lame or not. The most
responsive bro ever ~ XDD Looovvvveeeee ~ |
Me and big bro. Edo, the closest bro among the
others. He always there for me when I need him and
he always there to help me. He's really something C': |
Had so much fun today and We're planning to go out again as soon as possible to visit each others houses but I'm not sure whether will I blog about it or not because you'll probably get sick looking at our faces 2-4 times in a row lol unless you find one of us is attractive pfft!! I guess that's all for today I'll see you guys on my next post. Keep reading my blog eventhough I don't usually update much now but I'll make up for it by the end of the year. Just wanted to tell you that I love every single one of you and I'll keep blogging till my journey ends :)