Happy mother's day to all the mothers out there. I celebrated mother's day this year for a day earlier because my mom has to go back to Indonesia by tomorrow morning right on mother's day. Quite sad eh? Anyway, she has been here for about 5-6 days due to my exams. She had to make sure I eat well during my exams and btw, me and my bro had planned something. We brought her to this outside themed western restaurant where my brother brought me before my exams started called 'Sharing'. And my mom's friend who is coincidently in Kuching is invited to this dinner too. I call him Uncle Parwan :)
Abang! A candid picture. Always :)) |
This is Uncle Parwan that I mentioned earlier :) |
Alright! Let's jump to the hottest part of the post. It's called.. THE FOODS! It has been a while since my post about foods. I missed blogging about foods. And nope, all these pictures in this post are not in HD quality because my brother scolded me just now for bringing my camera with me. He doesnt like my camera because it's too big and too apppealing well.. DUH! IT'S FREAKING A DSLR CAMERA! What does my brother expecting for? A pocket camera with dslr quality? Yea! I need that for my 17th birthday present! Plus a flight ticket to Singapore, that will be much much better. I need to see fatty. I miss my fatty.. Okay, let's continue what I have just started.. PICTURES!!
You're so beautiful. And I can eat you everyday.
Oooohhh I know, I know ~ -___-v Appetizer! |
Abang's meatball spaghetti. My favorite! |
Spaghetti bolognaise. Mine and mom's. I don't
really like bolognaise but anything for mom :') |
Lamb shank served with blackpepper sauce,
veggie and mashed potato. Uncle Parwan's. |
Mom's lamb shoulders served with veggies and
black pepper sauce. Yummy :3 |
Finally, mine! Ice cream chicken chop. No
dessert needed ;) |
Sorry I didn't take picture of what my brother ate because he ate the same thing with uncle Parwan. Lamb shank! And I wanted to say thank you for interact club for selling these fresh flowers. Well, I ordered a bouquet of flowers for my mom. I'm kinda saving up my money right now so I can only bought her 2 flower stalks but price.. Doesn't matter as long as my mom knows how much I love her! That's the most important thing right now. So, I bought her a peach rose and a pink carnation. She love it! She can't stop taking picture of the flowers. I'm glad that she love it. And anwyay, here's the bouquet :)
Peach rose and pink carnation. Awwwww :') |
Anything for mom :3 |
Isn't this is so lovely? :) |
End the post with pictures of me and my mom :)
I wish iPhone had a better quality of camera.
I hate iPhone camera. Me and mommy :** |
I wish that iPhone 3Gs have a better camera
quality. Apple, please fix your camera :'3 |
Personally, for me.. Mother's Day is every day. We don't have to celebrate mother's day and treat our mom like a queen on this day but we have to treat her right everyday. Because she gave birth to you, to me, to all of us. She raised us with her affection and attention. Our mother would do anything for us. I know some of you hates your mom because I have friends who hates their moms. I used to hate my mom. But, just because your mom scolded you that doesn't mean you have to hate your mother. God, mothers are goddess!! I realized that my mom is my everything after I moved out to Malaysia.. Been apart with my mom, is the worst thing ever but somehow, this made me love my mom even more. Much much more. And I hope those who hates their moms will realize how imporant their mother is for them. Because I am telling you the truth.. Once again, Happy Mother's Day. And mama, Muti sayang mama :)