Hello peoples of the world who came to my blog! How was your day? My day is so crazy, till I can't tell you one by one but I can tell you one or two. So, today is the 22nd of January when my seniors are taking their IGCSE results
(including fatty). I thought that Cambridge send the results to the students emails so they can stay at home and check but it's not like that. THEY CAME TO SCHOOL! So I was walking to photography club class and I saw Seong Taek ran to me saying that he saw Thaqif. I was so shocked and screamed in happiness, I quickly go downstairs and meet him but I have to go back to my class, then suddenly he came up to my class to show me his results and told me "YOU OWE ME SOMETHING." lol, I told him I'll give him a present depends on how many A's he got. Morgane took my camera and took pictures of us. OH YAY!
Thaqif was like "Yeah, that''s my result. Something happened,
baby." And I was like "WUUUUT?!?!?!?!". |
There was me looking at his result for this certain subject and
cheered him up by giving him a free puk puk. |
"It's alright baby, shit happens." |
I was caught smiling in the camera because peoples teased us
lol so yeah :)) |
Thaqif look so cute and don't mind my uniform size, it doesn't
suit my body shape very well. GYAH! I LOVE DIS!!! |
Zoom to see his results :) |
My specs dropped down so I look like a total retard. Don't mind
me, just look at Thaqif's handsome face |
So he got 3A's
(physics, maths and biology), 2B's
(economics, chemistry). Well, this is shocking because he got a freaking D for his english, he's a first language English student. WHAT THE HECK HAD JUST HAPPENED?! Thaqif is a top first language student but what is this sorcery?! Then I heard that some peoples are banned from first language and I don't know pretty much about this but I hope Cambridge did a mistake for this because first I heard In Jae
(the smartest student) was banned from first language but then he get an A* so yeah
(idk how to continue my line). But for his results, it's 12 points and it's a good thing! He can pass polytechnic in Singapore and I'm coming to Lasalle in Singapore in 2014. I'M DOING IT FOR LOVE!!! Lol, and study too of course, if not, my dad gonna slap me lol wtf. Then, I had photography club. End the post with a picture of me taken by Mr.Mo today. Byeee! :)
*snap!* BYE :) |