Here I am, in SURABAYAAAA!! AREK-AREK SUROBOYO NDI SUARANEEEE?!?! LOL! Maybe it's a bit too exagerated. Currently I am staying in a hotel in Surabaya called Mercure Grand Mirama Hotel. I'm no longer in Bali now, good bye to free torsos (especially those with 6 packs) everywhere lol joke. Anyway so, here's my story for the day. After stayed for 2 nights and 3 days in the village, we went back to Surabaya. My skin was in the bad state of condition, the water over there contains too much enzime. I hope the government will fix the problem. Well, not exactly 3 days because we reached the village at night because we arrived late due to the delay. I even until fell asleep and mom even took a picture of it oh well, like daughter like mom.
Daz me in a mess -_- |
LOL! Caught sleeping in camera now oh well, back to the village! We had so much fun after these 2-3 days in the village, even with the chaos when I ended up crying over something. Ahahaha .___.v Didn't forget to take pictures before we left :)
This is Dita ;DDD |
Mbahhh ^^ |
Bude, dad's elder sister and the eldest. Bude means auntie in
Javanese :) |
Oh, look, the pregnant auntie! 2 more months before giving
birth. I am waiting! LALALALALALA :DDD |
Bude, bro, tante Is and daddy ^^ |
Grandma with her son and her grandson :') |
Dad looks like mbah and I look like dad. That means, jinx? |
See you guys again next year! With a new family member ;) |
Off to Surabaya, to the hotel! Checked in and chilled in the cafe of the hotel. Or lobby if I should say. Took some pictures before we're off to my cousin's house to pick them out for a surprise lunch in Madura island! :D
I haz a retarded brother XD |
My precious!! No touchy my cheesecake! |
How my fam look like without me in the picture. |
Family in black! Coincidence, seriously! LOL! Match colors!
Black and yellow XDDD |
Dafuq brah? Bro took this ugly pic but oh well, no hiding of
ugly pictures. I am what I am. Deal with it! :P |
*daughterly tear shed* |
Uncle Azis! Dad's little brother, 3rd child in the family :) |
Brothers!! |
Dad acting so mighty fine. Pffftttt :)) |
Mommy being photogenic ^D^ |
I shared this drink with bro, called err forgot. Mixture of lemon,
melon and soda :D |
Bro's smile ~ |
My successful kid expression. |
After we say goodbye to dad (he didn't follow us, he has some businesses to do, busy busy businessman as usual. EVEN DURING HOLIDAYS?!?!?!?!?! *flips table), we picked up my cousins from their home and asked them to brought the swimsuit and some clothes cuz we gonna swim in the hotel later since I invited them to stay with us in the hotel for a night since we'll be leaving to Jakarta by tomorrow morning. And we're off to Madura island to eat this most tastiest fried duck ever! It's very famous over there. The delicacy oh God *drool*. Waited the queue for 2 hours but worth it. Forgot to take pictures, and the resaurat name is Bebek Sinjay. They serve thousands of portions each day and we're the 371st family on that day. we reached there on 11 am btw. IKR!!!! Lesson learned, wanna eat over there? Bring a lot of your family members and serve a place! LOL! As an appology for not to take any pictures in Bebek Sinjay, here are some pictures I took on the way back home.
Some crops lands. With rain drops on the outer side of the
window. |
Suramadu bridge in the afternoon. |
Inside. |
Reached the hotel. Chilled in the lobby with my cousins and my brother while dad is no longer in the hotel and mom went out to met her friends while my uncle drove my mom off to the meeting place. Tryna act classy, we don't usually do this but let's waste money on useful things. Such as foods and drinks (lol) then went up to our room, it's 2 connecting rooms :P
This is my room! My bed is on the right! I marked the spot
with my bag! XD |
The spot where I online LOL! |
Mom and dad's bedroom. |
The bathroom (part 1). |
Bath room (part 2). Just showing you the bathroom. No
other purposes. |
Nisa took a shot of Doni. |
Bro's drink. I forgot the name. Strawbery
with orange and soda :/ |
The opposite of me and my brother :P |
Hey there, selca time :) |
My favorite ice cream flavor, green tea :)
Hey baby, I think I wanna marry you ~ |
Mine, Nisa's and Doni's drink called Blue Sky.
Soda, lychee and umm idk what's the blue thing. |
Was bored with Nisa so decided to walk around the hotel, also searching for the pool cuz we gonna swim later. Better checking it out first before we got lost lol! Bro and Doni followed us not long after that.
Nisa, my closest cousin :D |
I found Nemo! In the aquarium ^^ |
Her boyfriend calling. I am so jealous about couples who phone
calls each others *sobs*. Thaqif, y u no call me? T^T |
The aquarium where I found nemo :3 |
Ze pool. Looks creepy honestly, I swear. |
Check out those fat butts LOL! DAT ASS :P |
FINALLY FOUND THE FISH! They're all gathering. Except
one in the other side. The forever alone fish :P |
Chilled in the room for a little while before swimming with my 2 other cousins without bro. I drank too much pool water. And there is 1-3 huge banyan trees (said to be the house of kuntilanak. Wtf) next to the pool. It sure does creeped me out like hell, y u no cut the trees? Like seriously oh my God. I mean, why would you plant banyan trees in hotel? When the sun sets, we straight away went up to our bedroom and showered LOL! We're too scared to stay till dawn. End the post with fruits with a flower picture! Ciao ;)
Free room service fruits. Just a random shot to end the post. |
Oh, wait! Decided to meet up with Nisa and Doni in Bandung in few days! *throws confetti to the air* We'll have holidays together since me and Nisa has talked about this through twitter. I am so pumped up!!!!! Ciao ciao ciao!