It's the 2nd day for me staying in pulau dewata or we call as Bali. Had a breakfast at the restaurant near the beach but not that near because if we're too close to the beach, we have to walk more far to get the food lol! Ain't nobody got time fo dat.
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With da dress mom bought from Thailand :3 |
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My food. Tryna look classy. |
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Mom. Candid! |
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Bro look so scary. He looks like a squid that going
to suck fishes LOL! -_- |
Pak Nadi actually has arrived in the hotel when we ate breakfast. I feel embarrassed for being late tho, if only my brother didn't woke up late. Uuuuuuuuu. Off to Nusa Dua straight away, had no idea that we're going for a water sport. Thought we're only going to sail to the turtle island over there. My bro doesn't wanna get wet too so we decided to head off to other destination called GWK (Garuda Wisnu Kencana). Statues area that look so, ummmm ancient mexican? Lol wtf I suck at describing things -,-
Welcome to GWK! :) |
Random shoot that abang took. |
Me and mama. Garuda statue in the back. Can you see it? :D |
The 3 of us :D |
Reminds me with Mayan tribe lives O.o |
Pak Nadi, I and mom. |
Me lalalala ~ |
Abangggg :D |
Another family are taking picture on the left |
I am the shortest T^T |
Garudaaaaa :3 |
Chomped by the Garuda ><" |
Peaaaceee |
This one is unimportant lah lol jk. |
*trumpet voice* SHOOOO BEAUTIFUL!!! |
That's the God Wisnu's statue and mom underneath. |
With mehhh :DD |
With brahhhhh ._.v |
Abangggggg :3 |
On the hill :) |
Wisnu, Balinese God of Life And Peace. |
Such a nice fountain. Let's camwhore!! |
Right in abang's titizzzzzzz XD |
Anyway, I haz this funny pictures. Kind of face swap tho LOL! Here, enjoy laughing at our silly faces. Peoples keep laughing at our faces. It was so fun, I tell you :P
Having a break. Phuaaaaaahhhh ~ |
Bye, GWK! :) |
We're off to this beach, that not so much peoples know (yet) and it's still brand new. To reach the beach, we have to drive passing a newly build road. They have to divide a limestone (or was it cobalt stone) mountain to build the road. And the sea is heading towards Australia (if I'm not mistaken). I forgot the name tho. Well, it's a new beach so not a lot of people come to play and surf. It's like the secret beach.
I love this shoot that I took :) |
Wide ocean under the vast open sky. Heaven! |
The limestone road. Wait, was it limestone? -_- |
One of 6 statues that I saw in the mountain. |
Here for proof :) |
After that we went off to another beach called DreamLand. I didn't took any pictures over there because after we see the beach for a few secs, we went out but we stopped for a while to shop for beach dresses plus it was so crowded and hot. Got bored of beaches already, seen it a lot this year. So we're off to one of the sacred place in Uluwatu. Since it's sacred, we have to wear a yellow shawl around our waist and if we wear short pants/skirts/dresses, we have to wear additional clothe to cover our sexy legs. LOL! And there are lots of Thaqif's best friends (read: monkeys) in that place since monkey is one of the sacred animal in Hindu religion :D
Searching for fleas to eat (eventhough peoples feed them). |
I look so tall YEAAAH YEAAHHH!!! |
I can't imagine if I jumped off from that cliff -_- |
Sawadekraaaaa, wait. That's Thai not Bali .___." |
*womanly tear shed* It's so beautiful! :') |
Mommy and I :) |
Plus abang ^^ |
Mommyyyy :3 |
Bro's pose is just so wrong if I should say honestly.. |
After from Uluwatu, we went to Jimbaran to eat seafood. They're like the center point for seafood cullinary. It's very famous over there because Lady Diana got to visit Jimbaran. And once agan, I forgot the restaurant's name. The backyard of the restaurant is the Jimbaran beach. We ate dinner as we watch the sun sets. I am in paradiiiiiiisssseeeee :')
Fishies that reminds me of Morgane since she hates fish. |
Hey baby, nice shell ;) |
You gonna be my butter prawn >:) |
Me with specs. |
Me with no specs. |
Acting like I'm in avertisement or something LOL! |
My lovely butter prawn. AND IIIIIIIII WILL ALWAYS LOVE
Plecing kangkung that looks ah-maize-ing because of the
lighting. Or because of my shot? *perasan* |
Calamaryyyyyyy ~ |
Otw home :) |
After we eat, we went back to hotel and I went to swim with bro at night. I met this certain group of chinese indonesian peoples who act so cool in front of western peoples. Honestly, their English is so oh-my-Gosh-you-better-go-die-la. Way worst than me and in the end of their sentences, wait! EVERY sentences are ended up with mudafuka word and I was totally annoyed. Good thing I splashed them with water while I swim. Pssshhhht..
My fringe's messy because.. Idk why o.o" |
Yeah, that is the 2nd picture of me in the same swimsuit and the first time bro showed up half naked in my blog LOL! Enjoy (wtf?). That's all I could tell you about today. Bye, peeps! Keep reading my blog. AI LAB YU!!!