Hey, peoples! I'm in Bandung and currently stayed in Santika Hotel. This is the 2nd time for me to go to Bandung. Click
here for photos of me when I first came to Bandung. And today is the 2nd day for me to stay in Bandung. Reached Bandung yesterday, nothing happened yesterday (that's why I didn't blog) except the flooding on the way there and extreme traffic jam for 4 km which caused us to enter Bandung through another way around called Baros. So, as usual.. This is how my room and my parents' room look like and this time, our rooms are not connected. Even Nisa's room is so far away than mine!! Oh, I forgot! There's another family came along with us and they're still included in my family. He's my cousin's cousin named Chefry. First I thought it was Jefri since Javanese has this kind of accent that sounds deep pressure on B,J,P,D,G alphabets so AHAHAH! He came here with his dad and mom, his mom is Nisa's auntie (Nisa's mom is Chefry's mom little sister). Anyways, here are the room shots!
First, it was mine and bro's till we both complained so we switched
with mom and dad. LOL! The heck :)) |
This was used to be for my parents. Dafuq? Are you kidding
me? LOL! Once again my bed is on the right! ALWAYS!! |
So, my brother's gf went to our hotel today. Her name is Ornela Sari Marsa, I call her kak Nela. She's from Pontianak but has college in Bandung and she's my bro's elementary school friend. And once again I am feeling envious all over again, especially when Nisa's boyfriend once again called her in the middle of the night (she sleep in the same bed with me) and I was like "*sobs* Thaqif.." and you know what, LDR? FFFFUUUU!!! :(( Anyway, divided the family into 2 groups since we use 2 cars. My group members are me, mom, bro, kak Nela, Nisa and Doni. While in the other car, there are auntie Ninis, Bunda, Chefry, Mbak Hani (one of dad's employees in Bandung office), Zahra (Nisa's youngest sister, 9 months already) and the driver. We went to a place called Kampung Gajah. But there are no elephants over there since kampung means village while gajah means elephant. Before we reached Kampung Gajah, I bought Indonesia's cake called serabi in a cafe called La Viva in setia Budi street. AAAAND, I found something hilarious over there. LOL! Okay, I found a mocktail called.. Pussyberry and I literally laughed so hard in public when I read the menu. If you know what I mean ;) lol
Mine is chocolate and Nisa's with the
strawberry vla :D |
Reached Kampung Gajah and decided to eat since we didn't eat breakfast this morning (except dad) because we overslept. To be honest, I am tired with the holiday already LOL! I can't even feel my legs! That is why I has such nice legs but not such nice tummy cuz I used it to taste every single delicacy in Indonesia. LOL I am so perasan about my legs.
Without realizing the moustache has turned the way around. |
Nisa was like "BITCH! I'M FABULOUS!". |
Orderingggggg ~ Ring ring! |
All of us has gained weights :P |
Bro look like the "I don't always but when I do" meme :O |
Me and Nisa! Moustache fixed! XD |
Yea, you see. I gained 4 kilos so far -_- |
Chicken cordon bleu, mine. Bro ate all the french fries XD |
Bro's chicken teriyaki :D |
And kak Nela's grilled ribs. Bandung's speciallity *stomach
growls*. Can you be my 2nd boyfriend, grilled ribs? |
Nisa refused to eat since she's still full and Doni ate the same thing with bro. After we ate, we went down to look for Nisa's mom and Chefry's family but they're actually upstairs near the segway section. More likely near the race lap. Once again, pictures that I took! Wait, we (me and bro) took! Tadahhh ~
Abang and Kak Nela, Doni in the back. lol. |
All of us minus bro! |
And look! I am taller *thrilled* |
The happy couple ~ |
The fab mamas. |
I don't pose much these days :/ |
Againnnn ~ |
We wanted to go Tangkuban Perahu but the other group wanted to go to Rumah Mode instead since they're close on 5 pm and it was 3:30 pm already that time. We went there but sadly, when we reached there, the other group has already left wihout telling us. Dafuq? LOL! It was crowded in Rumah mode and got traffic jam on the way, Bandung.. You know.. And, one funny story. I was searching for prom dress (seriously excited for prom) so I was accompanied by Nisa, looked out for dresses and I got 2 dresses that I like.. One black colored and the other one is pink colored and they're all the same size (size 4), same style. I tried the pink one. IT WAS SUCH A HELL!! IT STUCKED!! I CAN'T EVEN BREATH LIKE OH MY GOSH! I CAN'T PUT IT UP NOR PUT IT DOWN!! I EVEN BROKE ONE UNECESSARY STRING! OH LORD FORGIVE ME!! But when I tried the black one, it fitted perfectly!!! They're the same size! And how the heck I could stuck in 1 of the dresses? Idk.. Unsolved mystery.. I was so red that time which made Nisa panicked lol I'm sorry gurl.
Chillin outside waitin for bro. |
Rumah Mode. didn't take it nicer due to rainnn ~ |
By the end off the day, we went back to the hotel to send my mom and pick up Doni and Chefry to have a dinner in Warung Pasta! Nisa was teased by all of us with the one of the waiter over there cuz she said the waiter is handsome when we filled the survey paper LOL! And how Doni made parody song that made all of us bursted out laughter! The most noisy group. Ate so much portions and spent nearly half million for foods. Okay, wtf we're monsters! -_-
Yea, I admit I am fat. For now only :P |
Chefry eating his pasta called.. Wait, I forgot XD |
This kinda made me feeling so envious XD |
DONIIIIII!!!!!! Cutest child ever!! *pedo face* :'3 |
And this is my pasta called Amitabachan. I used curry cream.
Problem? Taste nice, but tasted too sweet for me :P |
End of the post now. Byeee see you tomorrow! Keep in touch! Going to Trans Studio tomorrow. One of the biggest indoor theme park in the world! PUMPED UP! Byeeeee! :) xx