This is Mutia Sukarti typing this post from Malaysia! YERRRRR! I made it to Kuching! HOORAY *Sharpay's handsclap*. I went out with Jia, Nasyi and of course.. My beloved fatty, Thaqif to watch a movie called Rise of The Guardians. I decided to went out with all of them because I don't have enough time to stay long in Kuching. Went out with boobster or boyfriend+his sister? Why not both? So, I went to Jia's house today and I super duper love her house! And I met this bullmastiff dog called Sandy who barked at me twice which made me screamed like mad till Jia Jun (Jia's elder bro) and mom laughed at me. OH THANK YOU SANDY FOR EMBARASSING ME! *cries in the corner*. Meeting up with Fatty and Nasyi at Spring and we had a lunch together (eventhough I'm not eating, still full) and since Nasyi's birthday is next month and I can't make it to go to Kuching on her birthday, I gave her a birthday gift earlier. After lunch, we derped around the Spring till we found this oh-my-so-Christmasty-area so we straight away took pictures and ho-ho-ho!
I am so happy to see Thaqif :') |
Just Thaqif being ridiculously handsome. |
He hold my waist *happiness tears* |
What the zip with my face? T^T |
Jia near the Christmas tree! Hello, boobster! |
Testing picure. Look at the man's expression at the corner. |
We're in London! LOL Joke! We're in front of Xian Ding Wei. |
Hey, girlfriend! ;) |
Mah bae :3 |
Is it just me or this look like family picture? XD |
Fatty and Shorty ♥ |
After derpin' around for a while, we head off to MBO and watch the movie. The movie is so funny! And when the Masculine Easter Bunny turned out to be oh-so-puffy-till-I-wanna-eat-you Easter Bunny, We're all like "OMFG! SHDVHFVG SHO CUTE!! I COULD DIEEEEEE!!!!". After a month plus, I got to hold his hands! So rewarding! Anyway, here's a pcture of me with Fatty taken by Jia. My best daughter ever :')
LOL I look so weird wtf |
And finally, I felt so hungry so they dragged me to food court (but dropped by at the Watson's to accompany the girls to buy their stuffs and hielo yogurt stall). I went to Mr.Ben's taco stall, ordered different taco with Jia so we can exchange. I don't always eat, but when I eat, I ate 2 portions. ROUND 2! LOL! *girl who doesn't care about eating in front of her boyfriend*
Weird face of me taken with
Nasy's phone. |
Wanna make an ah lien face with
Thaqif but he went away. |
.JPG) |
Taco taco taaaaaccccoooooo :D |
After we ate, we divided ourself into 2 groups , me with Jia (because we havta buy stuffs) and Thaqif with Nasyi to speedy to check some cds and then we meet up at MBO and started to derping around the mall till we saw this horse carriage. Tee-hee!
Look at those noseholes XDDDD |
Nasyi and Thaqif :D |
My favorite picture of them! :D |
Derp faces XDDD |
My shot angle is kinda fail tho T^T |
After went out to few stalls, derping around till we can't feel our legs anymore so we decided to chill at the starbucks since they has wifi
(praise the Lord!) and it's so cliche lol! Took few shots but we have to go already since Jia's mom arrived (I went home with her cuz we're one way). So sad.. Fatty gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek as a goodbye *womanly tear shed* I'm gonna miss fatty so damn much! Will see him in the next few months *sobs*. Head off to the car with Jia and smack each other's butt in public LOL! I kow we're siao. Bytheway anyway and busway, Jia's going to London next week , lucky bitch LOL! And Nasy? Wish her to have a blast birthday even without me lol I'm so perasan. She's the siao-est girl of the day and I love her siao-ness! Never had so much fun for a while and today is one of the best day ever!
What the zip?! So crappy quality, didn't get the time to set my
dslr *sobs* |