aaaaannnddddd we so excited!!!!

EXAMS ARE FINALLY OVER!!! WOO-HOO!!! I AM FREE!!!! *breath fresh air* *throws confetti to the air*. I am so happy! Never been this happier after exams, honestly lol. And it is a special day for both me and fatty! Maybe for his family too. It was all started when I complained to fatty a night before exams about the exams on the first day and he told me that he will grant one wish if I can get through on my first day of exams so I told him I want.. A visit to his house to play before his IGCSE starts. It has started already but his sciences papers haven't come out yet so yeah lol. And before I go back to Indonesia on Sunday. Such smart girl lol.
On 12 pm, I was still doing my business paper and I heard year 7-9 screaming in happiness. Their exams finished while me and the other year 10 were still doing ours and we're like "FFFUUUU!!!". We finished on 12:30 and finally the bell rang! 12:30!! Pern who sat in front of me bursted out in joy but NOOO!! Ms. Kung pointed at the whiteboard written that we will finish at 12:33 pm since we start the paper at 10:33 am.
AND FINALLY!! THEY LET US GO BUT NOOOO!!!! They asked the monitors and prefects to stay back to arrange the tables and chairs. Since I am a monitor, I have to help. Urrrghhh, I don't want to make Nasy wait longer than this so I just helped to move 1 table and I ran away with Jia LOL! *badass* Because Nasyi has been waiting for me since her exams is ended at 12 pm. Right when I went down, I hugged my friends saying goodbye and Nasy came to me so we went into the car and of course I appologized to Nasy's father for coming down a bit late and tell him what the reason is. Once we reach their condo, we pranked Thaqif by saying I didn't come so they came back quickly and I heard Thaqif is relieved after he sees my shoes LOL! We had lunch together. There is this one time when I wanted to feed Pixel with chicken and suddenly, Fatty's mother and fatty himself screamed "NOOOOOOO!!" and I was so shocked "What did I do this time?". And they told me not to feed her since she's a disciplined cat so yeah I gave her the chicken on her plate LOL! Then Me and Fatty and fatty's mom watched Ice Age 4 and nthe movie finished, we went swimming! No pictures, too sexy. Too hot! Especially fatty with his wet hair. He got this oh-so-sexy look when his hair is wet okay I must stahp. We swam with Nasy and Fatty's mom too. After more than an hour, we got up and showered and chilled in the living room as we wait for the taxi. We ate chocolate! Here, some pictures :)
I have no idea what I'm doing with my face. Fatty looks like he's doing a commercial -_- |
For a collection. YAY! |
Probably the silliest picture we have so far. I look like a dead pufferfish while fatty looks like a grumpy old man XDDD |
Nasy! Fatty's dearest little sister who's like my own sis already. |
Fatty made me this very tasty coffee. He's such a barista! And this is not my coffee. He drank mine. Accidentally. Still can't believe what happened. |
Eating chocolate with roasted almond. Yum! |
Fatty love this picture of mine and I have no idea why O.o |
Here's my fatty! HE'S MINE!!! MINE!! ALL MINE! LOL! I sounds so scary :)) |
Taxi came at 6:20 pm. I wanted to spend more time with fatty since we wont see each others for such a long time. Maybe weeks? Could be months. Long distance relationship is the worst and it will start on this Sunday. Awww dang,I'm gonna miss fatty.. A lot.. BUT I WILL SURVIVE! LOL :))
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Love and peace! :) |
Written with ♥,
Fatty's :) xx
Fatty's :) xx