Decided to meet up with my 3rd hubby (Thaqif) at the Kuching Festival. Accidentally met my 2nd hubby at Spring while my 1st hubby keep texting me. OMG! Why, hubbies why?! LOL! There is this funny story when me and Novie are waiting for the taxi to come. We waited for so long already and then this 1 car came and I asked "Is that uncle?" "YEA!! It's uncle!! I want to eeaaaat ~" "I want to driiiink ~". We happily jumped off from the staircase and running to the car. And then there is this 1 auntie and 1 guy in the back putting in their groceries inside the car and we looked at each others in confussion and when I look at the uncle who's driving, he looked at us in a shocked expression LOL! Me and Novie straight away put a poker face and run away laughing like a retard. Doesn't even dare to go back to that place until the uncle came..Went to the MBKS where the Festival is held! Meet up with hubby ~ :33
No editing. Just reduce noise. OMG! So nice ah! |
And then there is this few stalls that offers games. We went to the dart games! And guess what? I throw my only dart to a balloon and shout like heck when I throw it but then! The balloon explode! WOOT! Miracle shout! HAHAH! Because last year when I played it, I didn't even can. I'm so suck at throwing things LOL! And then Novie got this Rilakkuma plushie. So big! Wo yao yi ge *envy* T__T But I also got rilakkuma, the small plushie one. Errr.. Key chain actually and I asked Thaqif to play too! And then I asked the stall keeper to gave him the same thing as mine. So we have a couple Rilakkuma key chain! YAY! And then we decided to have a walk because it was so crowded at the food festival so we went to the garden. It was so fun and peacefull until I saw this a group of these creatures: Sebastian, Jon Yee, Anson, Sabrina, Amanda. And they're like "UWOOHH!! MUTIA AND THAQIF!!" "So, you guys together already?" OMG so sakai la you peoples HAHAH! PICS!
Mine and his! So cute :'3 |
Me and Manda LOLOL! So blurry |
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Taken from Manda's facebook. I looked like I just consumed weed. |
It was so fun but we have a time limit. So sad, I wanna try to play the swing stuffs but no time. GARH WHY?! And then, we went to this place and took picture but too bad, Novie didn't allow me to took a picture of her. So here, me and hubby. LOL! I wear simple clothes only since I know it's gonna be so hot over there. I know, peoples. This is not my style where I used to wear a tank top and a cardigan but not today, okay? ;)
25 days difference. He's older than me for only 25 days but tall as hell. Or I'm short as hell :| Edited, was too dark over there LOL! |
Hubby tried to call his ayah (daddy) but voice mailed. So we decided to send him home to his apartment. So nice his apartment like seriously! I saw which condo did he went into. HAH! *stalker* Got pool some more. Made me and Novie wanna go there to play LOLOL! Can't wait! BYEEE ~