So, need to meet up at school around 7.30 and will be leaving at 8. But in the end, we're leaving around 9 am. Not so much peoples going though since the prefects are going for their own trip and some others wanna skip school. Blargh! I don't know LOL! Went into the bus and sat with my daughter from my 2nd hubby (Joel). On the way to Damai! 3 days of camp! WOOT!! LEGGO!!
Daughter and mom :P |
See who's sitting behind me? And in the end, I sat with him HAHAH!! Crazy Seong Taek ._. |
Shades on, yo! Vas happenin'?!?! xD |
The journey took about 1 hour something. Can't really remember how long since I was too busy playing with Seong Taek in the back LOL! And here is the place!!!! It's the first time for me to go Damai bytheway. Was so excited. It's fun fun fun! Checking in and we got cabins! We got CB 19! Cb means cabin. Not the other cb (if you know what I mean. Oh God *slaps my mouth*). Each cabins contains 5 persons in it and since only 5 girls going from year 10 (me, Jia, Bianca, Ceb, Lai Riy) all of us in the same cabin! Not so many peoples going because the prefects have their own trip but they can choose whether they wanna stay or no. PICS!
Welcome! Unedited picture. Absolutely xD |
The peoples. LOL! |
Mom and Daughter episode 2. |
Ceb and me. LOL! Unedited xD |
Reached there and go for a lunch and then played at the sea for the water sport woot!! They changed the schedule for today. Suppose to have an obstacle but since the weather is so friendly so we decided to go for a water sport!!! WOOOO!! I wish my iPhone is water proof tho so I can bring it when I'm kayaking. I went for a kayaking with Thaqif (A LOT!!!!), Ceb, Lai Riy, Jia and Seong Taek. And Thaqif is like the hero for me when I'm in the water since I can't reach the ground. I'm too short so he keep holding me all the time HAHAH!!
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Kyaaah kyaaah ~ Like mother like daughter. CAMWHORE!!! And a borrowed cap from my2nd hubby. Oh Joel :') LOL! |
My tongue is short so don't ever try to french kiss me oh God wtf. |
Me and Bee!! When an Indonesian and a Filipino met. |
Thaqif and me camwhoring. Photobomb level: Bianca :P |
Jia! When we checking out the other part of the restaurant ;) |
Play scrabble while waiting for our lunch! HAHAH! I'm not playing, just saw peoples play it xD |
My bedroom. Shared with Bianca and Ceb. Jia and Lai Riy in other bedroom. The cabin have 2 bedrooms. |
Anyway, a ball hit me on the face that day when we played football. I can't even open my jaws and I screamed like shit in pain when they asked me to open my jaws. After that they gave me some ice (because they don't have the fukking medic with them, okay wtf) and it's better after that thanks to Jia and Ivy. Not long after that, I went kayaking with Thaqif and others. Planning to go to the lone tree but we just reached the 2nd beach because we have not much time left and a bra tragedy happened on our way back home to the main beach. Only me and Thaqif knows it. AHAHAH!! But.. It was.. Worth it. I mean the sunset (not the bra tragedy), new friends, new experience. Most importantly. WATER EVERYWHERE!! Salty water everywhere hahah yet it's a bit spicy when it hit my inner throat. Anyway, here's the picture of the day! We, students bullying a prefect. HAHAHAH!!
PHEEWEET! The sexiest of Thaqif!!! He wore my shades! I have the idea to burry him. And in the end, ppls follow me. I'm awesome LOL! |
And after that we went back to our cabins to shower and then went to the restaurant again (if you wanted to) for the afternoon tea. HELL TIME FOR ME!! I can't even chew on my left part of my mouth (since that part was the one that got hit by the ball) and can't even open my mouth normally. I'll winced in pain. Seriously, ask Thaqif since he always sat next to me when we eat (if you know him). He looks so happy looking at me tilting my head to the left and right while we're eating. He loves seeing me suffering. What kind of a buddy partner are you, Thaqif? T____T
Heading to the restaurant from our cabin for the afternoon tea since the teacher in charge is.. a British. Like a madame xDD |
Afternoon tea. Le wild Seong Taek appears. He sat at the same table as me and my group. |
During the night time after the dinner (as you know, I didn't eat much. PAIN!!! SO MUCH PAIN!!!). We went for a night walking to the jungle. To Santubong Mountain. Kikikiki *satan's laugh*. I was so scared, I thought we will go there with our buddy pair but we have to go alone. I mean, 1 line only, not 2 lines. And when the instructor told us to turned off our torch light, I hugged Jia and Bee squeezed my tees. I thought the instructor saw the creature that we might not want to see since he said "I'm a jungle people!" "There's 29 of us, if we went back and left 28 peoples only, we have to go back to the forest and look after them until we found them! AND! If we went back and the total is 30, we have to go back again to the forest to return them." GOOSEBUMPS! But then.. The instructor asked us to open our eyes. We found something interesting. Fungus species that can glow in the dark WOOT! I wanna take picture of it but I decided not to. Afraid if I might took a picture of 'something'. PICS!
Before night walking. The man on the left is Ivy! Looks familiar? He's IVAN EVETOVIC! The amazing race contestant! He's my teacher. Jealous? I know you do. How you feel? :P |
Woke up because Thaqif texted me. He's my alarm clock lol wow thanks! Felt a little dizzy after the sleep since I took a medicine that Thaqif gave me the night before to reduce my jaw pain and I got some weird dreams during my sleep but it was a fun dream LOL! Found out that outside is.. Raining. So cold, decided to meet up with Thaqif at the restaurant without.. Showering. I know disgusting but others also what. HAHAH! :P
Thaqif so classy now? His breakfast. Got coffee some more! :P |
We play this at the jungle hall because it's still raining that time. It was so fun! :D |
Went back to my cabin with Sebastian because I need to charge my blackberry in his cabin. He doesn't mind sharing charger with me. Aww what a friend. And after that, we went to his cabin to charge the blackberry and leave for lunch!
Sebastian chilling in our cabin LOL fun! He's being gay in this picture. HAHAH! Siao kia :P |
In the end stuck in because he told me that the lunch is the same thing but acually it's not. Oh shoot! |
Right after the lunch we went to the beach for building a raft! So fun! Our team is the 2nd. We have to build the raft and then race for 200 metres. WOOT! The waves so strong that day some more. So Ivy lifted me to the raft since I'm too short to hop on. Thanks, Ivy! :O
Boat lodge. Random. See the Kayak there? A LOT! |
The cold jungle pool after playing at the beach. This pic is obviously edited HAHAH! My editing skill still so sucks -_- |
Suddenly met Thaqif at the jungle pool (he popped out of nowhere) so I just chilled with him and he walked me back to the cabin. LOL! This is random when I suddenly cried and then a bug bites me! Right after the shower and stuffs, went to the restaurant for having a dinner! Asked Seong Taek to bring my blackberry to the restaurant! And I just found that the peoples in his cabin broke my blackberry by trying to open the passwords and I lost all my datas. I cried like shit, peoples scold him and his friends. He didn't even dare to eat at my table again. Thaqif then bring me for a walk to comforts me but then I have to go back because my teaher asked me to, to solve the problem. They appologized. Seong Taek came to my table and applogized, I was still fukking irritated, I told him not to touch my phone. He's kinda angry, Thaqif starts talk to him and I don't know the rest LOL! And after that, we had a camp fire that starts at and ended around 11 pm. Ms.Teresa (the British teacher) told us about her ghost story when she's in UK. WOOT!
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Proudly edited picture. HAHAH!! :D |
The Last Day
Woken up at 4 by a phone call from dad telling me to have a sahur (early eating before fasting since it's the first day of Ramadhan). This is the random conversation of us.
Me: Hello? Assalamu'alaikum, pa?
Dad: Wa'alaikum salam, honey. Go for sahur now, kay?
Me: But, daaaad.. I'm not fasting today..
Dad: OOOOO WHY?!?! Where's your mom?!
Me: She's not here. She's at the apartment. I'm on camp, remember? I need to hike and doing some high ropes.
Me: I'm on camp.
Dad: OOOHHH!!! I REMEMBER!!! Sorry, sorry. Go. Back. To. Sleep. NOW!!
Me: Okay! *tuuuuuuut tuuuuuuuuut tuuuuuuuuuuut*
LOL! That's random. And then around 7am, Thaqif woke me up again by texting to bring his medicine along. And my jaws are okay now, I can open it a bit wider HAH! Text him whether he's fasting or no and his reaction is "Ho.Ly. CRAP! I'm eating.." LOL! He and Ivy and me decided that we're a traveller. Let's skip the breakfast part to the high ropes, will ya? Cuz probably some of you gave up reading this infinite post. Me and Thaqif are buddies! So he took care of me when I'm doing the high ropes, he's the observer. He keep looking at me from the ground. Sometimes he took picture of me (I saw it in his phone) but I didn't receive the picture of me doing high ropes (Thaqif, just in case if you read this :P). And when he's doing high ropes, I took care of him from the ground. He's so fast O___O Anyway, he also helped me to find my specs. It fell down when I was doing my flying fox but glad that we can find it. HAHAH!
And after that we went to the restaurant, having a lunch. I was quite happy since I can eat a lot. REVENGE! I ate 2 portions with Jia. I just released the kraken inside of me lol wtf?! And then went back to cabin along with Jia and Thaqif (he went to our cabin to chill). Next! We went for a jugle tracking to Mt. Santubong! I didn't bring my phone. Regret it so much! But Thaqif lend me his phone so I could take pictures and upload it to this lovely blog. Yea, he support my blog. Or is it just me being too perasan? =..= Anyway, we climbed the mountain until we found the waterfall!! It was.. Breathtaking. I mean the breeze of the water OMG! Can't describe it with words. And stupid Thaqif keep hissing making the sound of snakes and it creeped me out. I wanna whack him! LOL! Here's the pictures! Enjoy :P
Me: Hello? Assalamu'alaikum, pa?
Dad: Wa'alaikum salam, honey. Go for sahur now, kay?
Me: But, daaaad.. I'm not fasting today..
Dad: OOOOO WHY?!?! Where's your mom?!
Me: She's not here. She's at the apartment. I'm on camp, remember? I need to hike and doing some high ropes.
Me: I'm on camp.
Dad: OOOHHH!!! I REMEMBER!!! Sorry, sorry. Go. Back. To. Sleep. NOW!!
Me: Okay! *tuuuuuuut tuuuuuuuuut tuuuuuuuuuuut*
LOL! That's random. And then around 7am, Thaqif woke me up again by texting to bring his medicine along. And my jaws are okay now, I can open it a bit wider HAH! Text him whether he's fasting or no and his reaction is "Ho.Ly. CRAP! I'm eating.." LOL! He and Ivy and me decided that we're a traveller. Let's skip the breakfast part to the high ropes, will ya? Cuz probably some of you gave up reading this infinite post. Me and Thaqif are buddies! So he took care of me when I'm doing the high ropes, he's the observer. He keep looking at me from the ground. Sometimes he took picture of me (I saw it in his phone) but I didn't receive the picture of me doing high ropes (Thaqif, just in case if you read this :P). And when he's doing high ropes, I took care of him from the ground. He's so fast O___O Anyway, he also helped me to find my specs. It fell down when I was doing my flying fox but glad that we can find it. HAHAH!
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A camwhore picture of me in Thaqif's phone. I edited my skin tone because I got sunburnt. And it's too sexy to be showed off LOL! xD |
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*le proudly edited picture of Thaqif doing high ropes |
AHAHAH! Did you noticed Sebastian being gay in the back? I laughed my ass off! Hey, Thaqif! |
Jia acted like she saw a Bruno Mars! LOL! Anyway, stupid Ben asked me to edit this picture using his way and TADAH! So cacat. Ben, I hate you :( |
The instructor said that this place is one of the obstacles in Amazing race 2006. WOOT! |
Random stuffs. As always. |
FINALLEH!! A nice camwhore of me with my phone! In the toilet some more. What could be better than a GIRLS' TOILET! :P |
And after that we went to the restaurant, having a lunch. I was quite happy since I can eat a lot. REVENGE! I ate 2 portions with Jia. I just released the kraken inside of me lol wtf?! And then went back to cabin along with Jia and Thaqif (he went to our cabin to chill). Next! We went for a jugle tracking to Mt. Santubong! I didn't bring my phone. Regret it so much! But Thaqif lend me his phone so I could take pictures and upload it to this lovely blog. Yea, he support my blog. Or is it just me being too perasan? =..= Anyway, we climbed the mountain until we found the waterfall!! It was.. Breathtaking. I mean the breeze of the water OMG! Can't describe it with words. And stupid Thaqif keep hissing making the sound of snakes and it creeped me out. I wanna whack him! LOL! Here's the pictures! Enjoy :P
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My editing skill: Rookie. The contrast and colors. Oh God why.. Sorry, Thaqif T_____T |
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Le proudly edited waterfall *___* Me gusta! |
And after hike and went back for about maybe 2 hours? I forgot, we reached the ground (obviously). And then went back to the cabin! But I went to the jungle pool for a while to cool down my feet LOL! And then rinse and went back! I sat with Thaqif, not Jia. She sat with Pern and guess what?
It really really was a great experience for me. I can't wait for the gold camp but sadly Thaqif wont be there since he's graduating this year. I should bring floaties when I'm in the beach next time. LOL! Reached the school around 6 pm. Nothing much to say though so bye!! :DD
Looks like someone is wearing my jacket? MUAHUHEUHAUHUEHUAH!! *evil laugh* |
It really really was a great experience for me. I can't wait for the gold camp but sadly Thaqif wont be there since he's graduating this year. I should bring floaties when I'm in the beach next time. LOL! Reached the school around 6 pm. Nothing much to say though so bye!! :DD