Still remember Joel, guys? He's the one with me and Midori during Lodge's Sports Day. So, I watched the school's musical drama, Oliver Twist with Joel. Actually I have another purpose to watch the drama. If you know me so well then you must be know what the reason is LOLOL! Okay, so it's started by he fetched me at One TJ. He pick me up around 12:46 pm (the show starts on 2:30 pm) but his mother need to rush so yeah. Went there earlier.
Reached there. Doing some shitty talking, looking around, and around 2:20 pm we went upstairs to see the musical. There is this stupid story. Our seats are M21 and M22 (VIP :P) and I didn't wear my specs that time so Joel is the one who lead me to the seat and after we sat on it, doing camwhore yet fail shit and then suddenly one prefect who's in duty approached us by asking for our ticket. He said "You guys sat on the wrong seat. It's F." And I was like "Joel, we're doomed. SHIIIIIEEEEET! A lot of peoples saw us." we're so embarrassed but it's okay. I gave Joel a motivation "Nevermind, F is stands for fuck you." LOL! What kind of motivation is that? =))
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Ah beng :P |
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The seat :D |
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The background. They paint it! |
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Our tickets has been ripped. LOL! |
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Another vain peoples appear! |
The show ended around almost 6? I don't know. My watch is using Indonesia's time so yeah (I know I'm lame! -__-). And during the play, we have 10 minutes break so we went to the canteen and it's finally open! Because before the show starts, me and Joel went to the canteen to buy water but it's closed so when it's opened, we're like running to the happiness! And we quickly go back to the place and talk shit again until the show starts again! WHEEE ~ And in the very last scene, me and Joel didn't get it LOL! But we're very happy. Me the most. I saw someone went up the stage so yeah HAHAHAH!!
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PING! *le handsome violist appear!!!!*
Seong Taek, annyeong ~ |
After the show ended, I quickly drag Joel with me to the orchestra area and the first person who I called is Seong Taek LOL! He's wearing the diferent clothes than the other what so very obvious and asking where Eun Chan is because I need to give the farewell gift to Eun Chan and after that, we went out. When Joel's car came to fetch us, Joel's mother offer me to come with them for a dinner and I have no choice except following them. To.. PIZZA HUT!
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I didn't finish my foods. Too full. Dui bu qi :( |
Joel's little brother. Jordan Chen! Can't I just bring him home?! |
During the dinner, finally I talked quite a lot with Jordan. Seriously cute! He speaks Chinese only because he said that his English is so bad and he's shy. So when he speaks, Joel translate it for me and I can understand what he said few only. And there is this part when he thought that yinni (印尼) is India, not Indonesia because using the same front letters. I and N LOL! I laughed like hell that time. Cuteness overload!
And after the dinner, we need to send the auntie and the uncle (Joel parents' friends) to a place so we need to sit on the back. The car is the ranger type. So fun! So many wind! Wo xi huan LOL! So the 3 of us in the back and there is this part when I nearly bumped out from the car. Sorry for being so light and those 2 brothers laughed at me like a retard -___-
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Mine and Joel's feet. Mine the sexiest LOL! WTF |
Right after we dropped the auntie and the uncle, we have to move to in front again eventhough we don't want but what to do? If a police saw us like this, he will catch us and of course we don't want to take a risk. And they send me home. I love Joel's family. They're so nice! Thanks for today! :DD
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Tadaaah ~ The booklet LOL! |
P.S: For those who wondered what the gift that I gave to Eun Chan is.. Here's the info and bytheway, I nearly didn't sleep making this. Anything for friend :)
TADAAAAAAAHHHH!!!! I know the ribbon not nice -__- |
I put a little envelope inside the stars. Will ask him to read it
when he reached phil or kr :) |
I know my handwriting so bad! ==" |
That is all! Bye bye!