Tretes. What a weird title isn't it? Well, actually it's a city not really city. Under the city I mean the rate. It's near Malang city. Located on the top of a volcano. Cool huh? Because I thought so. So cold here kyaaa love it! I went here with my uncle, my auntie (the baby inside her womb also counted, 5 months already :3), my 2 cousins, and my nephew ^^
The story started when I leave the village. After say bye to everyone in the village, we're leaving to Surabaya to pick my boy cousin named Doni and my auntie oh and also my nephew, Dani. Oh, and also send my dad to the airport. Yea he left me huhuhu. What to do? He got another meeting. Ckckck businessman =="
:** ♥ |
Bye-bye, mbah :') Astaga the shoot ==" |
Bye-bye village ;) |
After I reached Surabaya, I went to my uncle's restaurant called Ikan Bakar Prikitiew. BAHAHAHAH!! Suleeeee :DD They sell grilled fish. So many type of fishes. Here, a pic for a promotion. It's located in Waru, Sidoarjo. So yummy. Not so far from his house. After you came out from the main gate, turn left. You'll find a lot of stands there so make sure you dropped by at Ikan Bakar Prikitiew. Eheheheh #promotion #hopingforadiscount
My lunch in Surabaya. Came there in Waru area.
My uncle owns this 'restaurant' ;) |
I found this thing. Means Kampung Chicken's Intestine Chips.
7.500 rupiah/sacks. I can't eat that thing bytheway o.o |
After that, we capcus (LOL!) to Tretes. Yuk ciyn. Bahahaha seemed that I've been infected by some Indonesia's words viruses. GO GO GO!
Hello tretes. The pic so WTH because of my bangs ==" xDD |
Lapindo's mud embankment. Became a tourist attraction.
We're planning to stayed at a new hotel in Tretes but I forgot the name. I love the building. And they got a breath-taking view at the parking lot so we did camwhoring while my uncle and my auntie check-in at the hotel. One of the most magnificent scenery ever. I'm thrilled :')
The mountain that I dunno the name.
so breath-taking :') |
Doni and Dani. Not twins :P |
#justastupidcamwhore |
Camwhore. Yeah, I'm taller than her :D
Previous pic is just camera's trick only lol. Srsly. |
Me and Doni :3
This pic edited bytheway. For the brightness only. |
Planning to stayed here but full ==" *ngek*
Curse you :P |
After did some camwhoring like crap, we got an information that the hotel is full. So we have to find another place and we did it. We did it we did it! Hooray! Okay, sounds like Dora ==" Sooooooo... Our next destination is Hotel Surya.
JENG JENG JENG! (stupid bgm) And we got rooms! Hoopla hoopla! We didn't stayed at the hotel rooms but we stayed at a cottage. Buy 1 get 1 free, so lucky! My uncle and my auntie is downstairs while the kids will be upstairs. We're so excited. FUN FUN FUN! No parents, so I'm in charge :P
The main building of the hotel that we stayed at.
We're in the cottage. |
The cottage. My cottage is on the 2nd floor :DD |
The bathroom lol. |
My uncle in his cottage :)) |
Bedroom in my cottage. No, ours :) |
Doni camwhoring :P |
Making some nescafes for my cousin and nephew.
My cousin took this secretly. Srsly -.-" |
One thing,
EMEJING amazing!! After did some shower and stuffs, we went down and went outside the hotel area to have a dinner. So many '5 feets' stands outside the hotel area. So cheap and taste good. You can choose whatever you want there since it got soooo many stands. Btw, I got rabbit satay for dinner. So cruel huh? I was curious about the taste so I try it out. I nearly vomit and cry. Such a cute puffy soft creature T.T #prayforrabbit
Rabbit satay. Muehueahuehua |
So many stands over here *_* FOODS!!! |
Some song that will accompany us while we eat.
Cannot find an atmosphere like this in kch :') |
LOL! Doni so cute :* |
Dani, my nephew! LOLed his expression :))
So cute harhar |
After having a dinner, Doni told me about the place to the swimming pool. It's in another part of the building. So many buildings around the hotel area though, 5 or 6? I don't know. I just took the shoot from the 2nd floor cuz I'm afraid to go downstairs. So dark.
The pool at night. So romantic :') |
Anyway, Nisa did really thank me for coming to Java cuz she said that if I'm not coming, they wouldn't go to Tretes mihihi. Need to wake up early tomorrow morning. Was planning to do another camwhore around the hotel area and jogging and swimming. Woohoo! So epic! Mmmmmmmmmuach! I love Java! I love Indonesia. Can see another rows of volcanoes here. I saw the sunset between the volcanoes few hours ago. I wish that I have a honeymoon like this lolol. I'm just messing up with you guys haha. I want to study first :P
Well, should go to sleep now, or not :)
Me and Doni wanted to say: