It has been a year
(actually more than a year already) since the last sports day. So, this year, I am in charge of taking pictures in high jump station. I was so pumped up last night. But not so pumped up when I knew that all of us
(photographers) are in charge of taking pictures of friggin' everything since there are only few photographers who came to sports day.
Since each of us are in charge of everything, it's kind of an advantage for me too so I can took random pictures like last year. I was helping in the Indonesian Club's sports day sale last year but this year, we decided not to do it anymore lol. So, I am one of the netball club's captain and I was supposed to help out the netball club's sale sports day this year. However, I has another more important duty to do so I am truly sorry that I can't help out during the sale. But we got another captain who helped out, le boobs, Jia Yin. YAY! Eventhough I can't help them out but I volunteered to lend the club a knife! Teehee! Anyway, let's start to look at the pictures, shall we? It's all started with the introduction of main people involved in the game =)
What is this? I have no idea. Seiously. St John's ambulance? |
Red cresent I suppose O.o |
Scout! ^^ |
Yellow house ❤ |
Blue house ❤ |
The red house! ❤ The heart suit in this color ehehe :3 |
Lining up! All of them ^^ |
Rising up the flag. Though I'm not confident with the rising
word. Hmph :/ |
Now, let the game begin!
(my field duty torture)
All house athletes are running but I don't
see any purple runners at all! T^T |
OH! I spot 2 purple runners :') |
Purple house triple jump! Spot Nasyi there? |
RED TRIPLE JUMP! Hello, Nasyi :3 |
Sabrine Teo, RUN! RUN! Aaaaand she's first place. Max point
to the purple house! |
Bored, went to Javelin station so here, Ms.Vivi and
uhh another teacher in charge ._.v |
Blue house javelin. |
Even high jump athlete could fall down too, so don't be
afraid to fall :) lol I'm trying to motivate you guys! |
Red house high jump :) |
Natalie's first attempt. Remember Natt, friends? Click here to
see her first appearance in potatopia lol I mean my blog. |
I've told you, don't be afraid to fall :) |
Move to the running track start line.
Running! Boy, probably group B :) |
Can you spot cikgu under the colorful umbrella there? Enlarge
the pic to find her! ^^ |
GO MORGANE GO! She got 1st place,
another max point to purple house! |
Girls D running I guess. I should've let the dogs out so they
can run faster than that lol jk they've done their best ^^ |
Haven't take any picture of long jump.
Nah, Blue house, long jump ^^ |
MIGHTY PURPLE JUMP! *fuyohhhhh* |
FLY, SON! FLY!!! |
So sick of the field duty already so I went up to the house to take pictures of the athletes or take picture together with them. Therefore, I got things to blog about with me in it as the author lol but it didn't last long because I can't stand the smell of the sweat in the house. I was like oh God why.. If you want my honest confession lah, I don't blame the athletes for being sweaty because if I am one of the athlethes, I'll be sweaty too. To the purple house!
Our house! ^^ |
Karen and Bianca! I support Bianca today, that's why I wear a
Philippines brand shirt XD |
Full body of em :) |
Not long after derping around the house, I can't find those who I want to hang out with and fed up of the sweaty smell already, I went back on my field duty and take more pictures. You can see how bored and busy I am. I bet Jia is having a great time selling things to hot guys since I found a lot of hot national dudes. Honestly, but that doesn't mean I am attracted to their pheromones. I just like the outer appearance, not bad, not bad
(I have no idea what I am talking about).
Nasyi's backside, I am promoting her! |
Yellow dude is flying O.O |
And back to javelin station. Ms.Vivi and her friends in duty ^^ |
Close up view. It's nice to see them smiling, idk I just like it when
people smile in my picture. It made me happy too :) |
You can stuck that thing in someone's butt
and grill them on the flaming fire lol jk. I'm talking
about the stick. |
Prepare to stab someone with that stick.
I'm kidding :O |
I like this shot, if only I can take the angle
lower ^^ |
That person's shoulder is annoying ._.
Left bottom if only he's not good looking
aiyoyoh, I leave the station already lol jk. |
Ran back to the running station. Sabrina,
You almost there, oh wait she just passed
the finish line o.o |
Running back but it's from the other
category, I'm guessing :3 |
Ran to the high jump station and I made this!
"I have to go, my people needs me.". |
Catwalking to the shot putt station
likeamodel. And found him, Nelson
(remember him?) doing shot putt :D |
Throw ze ball, my brother blue! |
The red house shot putt athlete :D |
Nice pose :3 |
I came to the shot putt station only once,
only that time to take picture of Sebastian.
Was hoping for an ugly expression tho but.. |
I can't stand the blazing heat under the sun, too lazy to use hat. Too smelly at the house so I decided to visit the club at the front. Bought some canned drinks since there are mineral water no more, huhu sad life eh. First time when I came to the stall, Jia was like "MUTIAAAA!!! SO MANY HOT GUYS BOUGHT STUFF IN OUR STALL LIAO!" and I was like I can see that, I can see that. I saw the population of hot dudes spreading widely everywhere lol.
The netball members! Few of em and yea, Jia is checking out
a hot guy's butt lol jk XD I love you booby xx Keep reading
my blog ^^ |
We support purple house and other houses
with cupcakes ^^ hehe |
I pity the other captain of our team for
stressing out during the sale but at least
she serves a lot of hot guys :DD |
I don't wanna miss a thing
by aerosmith so I must return to where I belong, le field! It's getting hotter and hotter towards the midday. Mooooo ~ But duty is duty, I have to take picture or even the funny or hot one. Stopped by at the long jump station since group C girls are doing long jump :D
Vanessa look so pretty. Malaysia's next top
model AHAH LOL :P xx |
Sun young ^^ Somehow, she look like
Nicole from this side or is it just me ._.v |
I CAN'T STAND THE HEAT ANYMORE!!! Decided to suicide at the house and my prefect friends are there too so lemme hang out and chat with them while hoping the smell to be vanished by the time I reach the house and I got to chill out with some people in the house before I went back down again. Huhuhuhuuhu :((
Tommy! One of the prefect in charge.
Remember tommy? He appeared last in last
year's sports day post too ^^ |
Remember her too? Click here to recall her ^^ |
He stressed out since he got the last place.
Itshs okay, Sebastian. You've done your best! |
A candid picture of le Caillee! :)) |
Derp! Sebastian and Amanda >:)) Ok, I was bored. |
Alright, enough! Enuff, Im outta the house, duty is calling me! Lol jk, I saw Joel at one of the rest place with Amanda Chin so I became the 3rd party instead and barged in lol I never talk to Amanda before so it's my chance to say hi to her at least? But she ended up the one who say hi to me first and gave me tissue, well, my first impression, she's a good girl :)
My little brother from another parents.
Joel! Le le le le le moustache xx |
I should've rotate this picture. I forgot but
meh! Mine (right) and Shi Qi's (left) shoes! |
Me and Joel! I know I'm so ugly -_-v |
Close up running track from the place where I sit :) |
The flags :) |
Ran back towards the house and running track finish line and catch these dudes taking pictures. Not going to waste the time, took pictures of them! Nyeheheheh :)
Group picture! Left to right: Aaron Chai, Tommy Henry, Amanda
Chua, Caillian Tyler, Nicholas Sebastian. |
There's Ms.Ilbeth and Nia and Darren! :D Wait, is that Rudy
wearing the grey shirt? O.o |
B.I.A.N.C.A! Did the triple jump. MAHAL
KITA!!!!! Her station is next to the running
finish line. Quite convenient. |
Manda, never. Ever. Ask. Me. To. Do. The.
Shit. Duck. Face. Again T________T |
The point is that I went back up to find Jon Yee and derped. Nah
(too lazy to type already) .__.v
Jon Yee, tired out! |
Those athletes bring the purple flag around
lol. |
And I went down since most of purple house athletes group B are downstairs. DERP!
Mr. Ivan, The House Master! Look at that
mucles! *____* |
Left to right: Natalie, Aaron, Sebastian and Karen. |
There's a crab behind me >:O |
Remember Kusum from the last sports day?
:D |
My fav teacher in the whole world, Mr.Wee ^^ |
Sullie, you are interrupting ._. |
Another shot of us. Don't judge me if
I wear the same shirt like last year ._.v |
Le me and Sullie! Alex in the back! Sullie is a nickname, his name
is Sulaiman :D |
The 3 of us ^^ |
Finally it comes to end! Yea, this year's sports day finish faster. No lunch break this time so all of us came back early. Way earlier than last year *jumps in happiness*. Wait, there's more. As the end of the event, they count the points of each houses. The house that earns most point is the winner
(like duh! obviously!). And guess who the winner is ;)
Claim our prize, The Goblet of Fire. YEAH! Purple house! |
Look at Bianca, she was like "THANK GOD!!!!" lol! XD |
It's so sad knowing that it's my last sports day in Lodge but it's worth it, purple house won! I hope, our successor will maintain the victory of our house. It has been 3 years in a row, make us proud, people! However, for other houses, don't feel so small, there will always be a next time, you can try again next year. One of the best thing to study in lodge international. Can't believe that I'm graduating this year, oh well, I'll do my best in my studies so I can go to Singapore. Bye, people! I need to go off by now, I have a flight in the morning to Indonesia since it's holiday already for yr 11
(lucky week) ^^