Today's life started exactly at 6 am because my bro woke me up around that time and asked me to brush my teeth and wash my face without taking bath. Okay, I know. Disgusting. At least I got to changed my underwear. I'm too honest lol. And he told me that we have to go to the consulate to go for a hike. Errr not sure whether if it's called as hike in English tho since we're not gonna hike a mountain. It's more to a long walk.
We went to the consulate in Openg, not in Stutong because this event is actually for the Indonesia's Independence Day that fast forwarded since it's on August 17th and during that date, we're still fasting (most of the Indonesians are muslims) so there will be no foods provided if we do the competition and stuffs. You know. Reached there around 7 because bro decided to take bath and it was like 40 minutes oh God. Aaaaaand when we reached the consulate, we have to changed our clothes into a uniform. Sice we're coming late, we just got XL, XXL and XXXL size and I got XL size. Sad life. Met Karen, Lutecia and Glenn over there since their parents worked in the consulate. PICS!!
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I look like not wearing a pants if I let it down.
For sure. I swear. So I have to tied it. |
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Seconds-seconds (?) before the long walk begins. |
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Otw ~ I love the trees and it was rainning that time. |
After 45 minutes of long walk, we straight away bought the Indonesia's foods. Got bakso, siomay, soto, nasi uduk, teh botol, rengginang, risoles, donat. Gyaaaah! So nice! I want nasi uduk but the portion is too small so I bought siomay instead. Not bad the taste, at least my longing of Indonesian's food is fulfilled lol wtf. Don't have time to take pictures, too busy eating. Here's the picture of our vain (some are candid)! Me and the PPI members! Cekidot! :)
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We and our prizes! 7 prizes in hand! Suppose to be 8 but
the one who got blackberry is not here so yeah. idk how to
finish my line tho. |
I won an handphone, yo! Imma give it to my maid in Indo later.
We're off to lunch now!!!! Pardon for my gay face ==" |
So we went here!!! For the lunch. It was my first time going here. The foods are nice ;)
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LOL! You'll notice the car refreshner xD |
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Beef kewtiaw. YUMMY! The beef so tender *__* |
Us and our prizes! Ce Silvi won a galaxy tab 2 ;) WOOT! |
Talking about the cultural night and some shits LOL! Went back around 1. Reached the apartment, check my blackberry, 1 missed call and 1 text message from Ms.Ilbeth telling that she will pick me up on 2 DANG! And 1 bbm from Nicholas telling that we'll meet up at 2.15 pm at spring mall. Yeah, Indonesian Club is having an event today. Watching The Amazing Spiderman together lol. It was started by me saying "let's watch movie together privately for Indonesian club only" 2 weeks ago and Ms.Ilebth was like "YAY! C'MON LET'S GO!" so yeah lol! Speeding up and stuffs and we're off to Spring!
There were me, Ms.Ilbeth, Marcus (her husband), Nicholas, Tommy, Devi and Richard. Others cannot come. Busy. Right after we watched, we went to Kluang Station to eat but I'm not eating. Too full. But then the guys (except Marcus) went to Starbucks and in the end they go back again to Kluang Station lol! Here's some candid pictures. Actually I want to take picture of Ms.Ilbeth and her husband but naaah... Too sweet HAHAHAH! I'm afraid later you, whoever read this blog feels so jealous. Okay enough. Here we go! :)
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Pheeweet~ Pheeweet~ :33 |
Richard AAAA SO CUTE! I want a younger
bro exactly like this! He's taller than me. Year 7.
Beaten up :| Nia's brother some more. |
The couple's food. LOL! This is so random :)) |
They're on their first date :') (?) |
And we go back on 6. Ms.Ilbeth send me home LOL! BYEEE ~ That is all for today :DD