Today is Lodge's sports day! YAY! I wake up very early today around 5:15 am (but never wake up early for school). Then prepared myself up while waiting for Miss.Ilbeth (Indonesian club's teacher) to come and pick me up. She picked
Novie first then she picked me. I met her husband today, Marcus :)
After arrived there, me and Novie meet up with
Aaron and after that I forgot what happened. I just remember the part when me, Nia and Devi went to take things on uncle's car but we went to other gate. The venue is at SMK Tabuan Jaya. Yeah, that athlete school. Damn big! When I'm walking there with Nia and Devi, it feels like we spent an hour walking. Seriously BIG! No, HUGE!
Somehow, it's so shameful we used other school's building while peoples only know that lodge is a school for rich peoples -,-"
Skip some stories and btw I saw him today. Ahh very sexy. Cannot stand his hotness HAHAHA! I called him sexy
yet hairy legs lol seriously. Uhh okay I sounds awkward now so skip more stories and let the pictures talk.
He took this pic for me! ♥ |
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Sheldon is offering help for a promotion!
Surprisingly others follow our tactics :P |
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Hi Sheldy! :D |
Raymond also offering help to us! Thanks a lot, guys! :D |
After that, I decided to have a little walk with
Sheldon for several times then I met
Midori and walk with her. The first thing I do with her is shitting or we can say it as camwhoring lol. She came with
Joel. Joel like a bodyguard bytheway. Keep following me and Midori wherever we go. Ssssst don't tell him lol I was kidding. He's our friend. Then we're meeting up with my awesome sista,
Kusum! Yayeeee, Kusum! :*
I stole this pic from her bbm dp! :* |
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Finally my niece! :** |
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Race track from stadion. Upper part |
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Another me and awesome sista! |
There's a story when I'm searching for Midori with
Jon Yee. Yep, boss Jon AHAHAHA! I called him boss but when he asked me to tell who is he, I just simply say "apek." LOL! Sorry kekekeke. And btw I am a bit pissed today because of a guy touched me. I feel like to slap him but got lots of peoples, afraid later peoples won't go to my stand to buy stuffs. He touched me from my back down to my ass. My fucking ass! And after that he said "I did that on purpose." Chikopek!
Back to the stand and did more shits. Yep! Always ahahaha..
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Stuffs we sell |
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Me likey! You should be jealous lol :3 |
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LOL! I forgot who took this pic xD |
AARON GANGSTA! Which remind me with me gusta.
Credits to Nia. Btw, he's our sponsor :DD |
Actually I wanted to take pictures with someone but too shy. GAH! He came to my stand a lot but ah nevermind. There's always be a next time (but actually inside is crying *sobs sobs* LOL!). And too bad that I didn't take any pictures with boss. I forgot. Just remember it just now. Zzzzz -_-
Purple house won! YESH!
We are the puhple. Mighty mighty puhple! LOL! Nia and Dong Woo are betting which house will won. Dong Woo bet for blue house while Nia bet for purple. Purple just won by 1 mark. I support purple (obviously) so happy when I hear the announcement telling that purple is won. I screamed like hell. Nia looked so happy but before she looked depress. She thought that the winner is blue but it's purple.
10 RINGGITS GOES TO NIA! :D Dear Dong Woo, there's always be a next time (o・_・)ノ(⌣_⌣..)
Not long after that, I went back home with Miss.Ilbeth and Sir Marcus plus Novie again! That's all for today even I skip lots of stuffs. It's too long and bytheway, there's few pictures that I can't upload due to people's privacy. So, smell ya later, peeps! :)