Hey, guys! It's been a while yea since I didn't post a thing in my blog. My 15th birthday is 4 days away and I am so pumped up. Been busy about school since I just moved to my new school in Malaysia and currently I'm in Indonesia now, going back to school on 18 July
(absent from school for a month). Anyway, tonight I'm going share about my religious trip called Umrah which started from June to July in Saudi Arabia! Well, let's start the story.
Pontianak ✈ Jakarta
*le me with my uniform. Camwhoring at home
in Pontianak. |
I left Ponti in the morning to Jakarta around 7 past something am. After arrived in Jakarta around 9 am, we havta wait in executive lounge cuz the next flight from Jakarta to Jeddah is at 6 pm so we need to wait for like 9 hours omg. And something hilarious happened at the lounge. So, I was eating
pasta then the pasta fell down onto the table, I played with the pasta using my fork and my brother get mad and when he sat as he still grumbles at me, he ripped his pants. And it sounded like "KROOAKKK!!" lmao. So I called my mum who's in the toilet that time and she sewn his pants asap but then it's ripped again so he have to buy a new pants cuz his pants are in the luggage and the luggage has been 'passed up' already so we cannot take it back. I feel so happy to see him suffering lol jk. Then during on the way to buy the pants, we met Sandra Dewi. Sandra Dewi is Indonesian artist/singer/model. And she looked at my bro in confussion cuz my bro walked like a girl due to the ripped pants.
Jakarta ✈ Jeddah
Entered the plane like a boss. UWOOOH!! The plane damn big seriously. That was my first time riding a plane (?) that big. I ever rode on a 2 storeys plane once from Shang Hai to Singapore but the plane wasn't this big. This plan can fit up to 800 peoples WOOT!
It feels like I'm sitting in Air Force One lol. I keep sleeping and eat foods in the plane. And watching tv also hahaha. We use Garuda Indonesia
. I dunno what's the type. I slept like a dead person the whole time, didn't move at all and glad that I didn't snored cuz I'll be very embarrassed if I did. I got pillows and blanket (I stole my bro's pillow) *show off. slapped* kekeke. Here's some sakai pictures of me taken by my iPhone. Pardon for the vain.
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KYAAA KYAAA! I'm on executive seat KYAAA!
*super mega ultra giga tetra sakai* |
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Executive yes I am! LOL! |
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View from my seat. Too sakai! |
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Le mom and dad :'D |
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My first food appetizer. I got extra garlic bread :'D |
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My main course. But when I wanna take pic of my other foods,
no battery left. PUI! -__- |
Arrived in King Abdul Azis International Airport after flying for up to 8 hours. The airport name reminds me with my uncle since they have the same name but my uncle is not a king lol.
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After imigration check. LOL! They're both so vain. |
Btw I saw guys kissing cheek when they say hello in the airport right before I entered the departure room. Yeah, muslim guys in Arab do that. It's called as 'ants greeting'. We went to an inn and having an early breakfast and morning prayer cuz we're arrived at 2 a.m in the morning (Jeddah time) and after that, we went to Mecca!
Jeddah - Mecca
No airplane symbol. we're using bus. The journey took 4 hours. Before we reached Mecca, we stopped at a mosque that I dunno the name. And we're having prayer and ummm. Muslim stuff that I forgot the name, It's like we're wearing white clothes. All parts of our body were covered with it except for face and palm. And we cannot fart and cannot say bad thing cannot mad and our hair cannot fell down. If fell down, we have to pay for a goat. Yeah, a goat. Do you get it? You have to buy a goat if your hair falls (even 1).
And this is where the journey begins! :)
Mekkah Al-Mukaramah (Mecca)
Okay, I type this and I cried hahaha. I missed Mekkah so much. When we arrived in Mecca, we put our luggage in a tower that located exactly in front of the
Masjidil Haram
(mosque where there's ka'bah in it). It's called Zam-Zam Tower. After that, we do tawaf which is we walking around the Ka'bah for 7 times and pray when we exactly in front of the Ka'bah door. I cried when I saw Ka'bah for the first time ever in my life.
Oh, God. So beautiful. My tears cannot stop. Then after tawaf we continue it with sa'i which is walking (running for male) from Safa hill to Marwah hill for 7 times. There's a story behind it anyway. My legs feels like it's going to explode that time and I was like "SOMEONE PLEASE COME HERE AND BRING ME A WHEEL CHAIR!". But it's very OMG! Cannot express it with words. Then we continue by Tahalul which is cut our hair a bit after do the umroh. YAY! The umroh finished :') Yea, umroh is simple but if hajj, it took us for 40 days. I cannot skip school for 40 days right? (but in the end I skip school for a month) ;)
Then the jama'ah (members) including me, having a trip to all historical places in Mecca. It was fun! The shopping malls also so nice. Jewelries. Oo lala my eyes are sparkling lol. White gold oh I love white gold, I wanna shop oh my! Asdfghjkl, they're so pwetttehhhhh *__*
Masjidil Haram :') |
Zam-Zam Tower. |
Took it from my mom's facebook and there's the Ka'Bah :') |
My dad is posing with someone's car lol. Btw the tunnel in the back,
it's actually a mountain but they made a hole ._. |
I took this shoot. UOOOH!! I laughed myself like hell XD |
Azis-man and my bro. Looked alike :P |
Shopping in Mecca. The shopkeeper so photogenic
Arafah camp! |
Mecca - Madinah Al-Munawaroh
Madinah. Where prophet mosque located. I stayed in Moevenpick Hotel. And that hotel exactly located in front of the Nabawi Mosque (prophet mosque). Inside the mosque there's the Muhammad SAW's grave called Ar-raudah
. I cannot go there cuz it's crowded. So many peoples. Women cannot freely go into the Ar-raudah. But my brother and my father and my mother ever went there (my parents already went to Arab for 5 times). Then after that we have another trip like we did in Mecca. OMG! So breathtaking. I adore Arab
Jabal Uhud or Nur. Forgot :O |
That white big stone over there is the exact place where Adam and Eve
met again after separated for thousand years :') |
This thing is way better than a Ferrari!!! LOL. |
Dates farm in the city that I forgot the name lol. Yummy! :9 |
Kuba or Quba (dunno the spell) mosque. |
Madinah - Jeddah
Stayed in Jeddah in a hotel called Holiday Inn. It was a fun trip! I would like to go for another umroh! Just fell in love with Saudi Arabia.
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Shopping! Chillin' at the starbucks LOL!
Not baaaaad :)) |
In front of the floating mosque in Jeddah.
Sunset in Red Sea, Jeddah :') |
See the water? The Sultan's palace is there. It's in Jeddah anyway. |
Execution place .__. |
Holiday Inn in arabic writing. I can read it ;) *so proud* |
Baboons in the dessert. I wonder how'd they
get there and survived :O |
How was it? Did you enjoy it? I hope so. Bye bye for now, ciao ;)